FBW A320 waypoints on PFD vs. Approach chart

Earlier this afternoon I flew from KSFO to KPHX and noticed some waypoints on the arrival plate weren’t listed on the PFD or listed on the flightplan in the FMS. I used the HYDRR 1 arrival inbound for RW 26. Specifically the waypoint SCOLE was not listed, and I needed to be at FL250, but it wasn’t showing in the approach selected and therefor wasn’t listed on the PFD. Attached are pics, I took pics on my phone, I was too focused on my approach to think of taking screenshots(old habits). Is this an issue with the approaches formatted in the airbus FMS or did I set up my approach inaccurately? I selected the HYDRR 1 approach by selecting the airport and then the arrival and runway in the FMS. I’m not sure if I’m missing something or if it’s an FBW issue.

That can be dependent on what you use for Nav Data.
If you used the sim default NavBlue nav data, it will not always have the same info as your charts, as your charts are from Jeppesen.
Navigraph is a lot better (but not perfect) at matching Jepp charts.

That makes sense, it’s something I haven’t had to worry about with the 747, 787 or any of the CRJ’s I’ve flown in the past. I’ve looked through the EFB and FMS and didn’t see where to change the nav data, do you know how to do that? I really appreciate the help.

In order to use Navigraph data you would need a (paid, ~26 Euro / year) Navigraph subscription, and then you would use the Navigraph Nav Data Center to replace the in-sim nav data with theirs.

I do have Navigraph and could check the above STAR later in the FBW to see how it shows up for me…

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I do have the paid account through Navgraph, the picture of the STAR in my original post is a pic of thier arrival chart, I use a separate tablet to act as my EFB for aircraft that don’t have a functioning EFB in the sim. I’m just unsure of how to change the nav data in msfs.

I bypass this issue by manually typing the waypoints into the MCDU that are missing in the right order as per the charts like I use to do when initially programming the route prior departure when at the gate.

Here is a link on how to do that: