I just got the FBW A320NX and its truly excellent.
I have used LittleNavMap (LNM) since I began playing MSFS.
LNM-generated plans load perfectly into the stock Asobo A320neo - but they dont work in A320NX.
What I’m doing:
Create the flight plan in LNM
Load the game
Select the A320NX
Load the flight plan from the in-game menu. (The route appears properly on the in-game globe map.)
Click the Fly button
A320NX plane loads fine but the flight plan is all over the place including having fixes I never even put there
Am I right in concluding that LNM-generated plans are not supported and that one must use only the SimBrief site? Or is there some wizardry button pushing I can do to “force” it to use the LNM file and make it load properly
The FlyPad, how did I miss that thing? Thanks for your reply Im following the instructions in that link you posted thanks much. Will let you know how it went after some tests.
Yes the FBW uses a custom Navigation system. The reason is the MSFS Default planner even if you import your route from Little nav map will not work, it will be molested by the MSFS flight planner, it will add way points that do not exist. You can accept this or argue this, but the fact is, this it why PMDG/Fenix/Leonard etc do not use it for their planes, it is simply unrealistic and causes way to many issues.
What you can do is plan your flight in Little nav map and then copy the routing to the clipboard
But remove the Dep airport (EGLL) and Dest airport (LIML) in my example.
Simbrief is the best way for study planes, it takes 2 mins and makes your life easy, you can also download the route and still have msfs ATC that have the simbrief integration, once again the default MSFS flight planner is no good for these planes.
Click here to download the plan in MSFS format or just save it directly from Little Nav Map
Thanks very much for your reply, I will totally check that out.
Yes, all I have ever used in all my FSX, XP11 and MSFS is LNM for flight planning, I’ve become so used to it and can make plans very fast. But I know I need to also learn other things so I will get SimBrief account and learn it.
Thanks for the tip for generating in LNM then copying the routeing.
No worries, It isnt your fault, it the fact that MSFS flight planner is a pain. Also dont forget to first (before you add the flight plan) to choose your Airports in Simbrief and then paste the route.
Also if you are using the FBW once your Simbrief account is set up make sure to use the FBW Simbrief profile.
Thanks for this info but unfortunately I do not see FBW A20N listed, am I doing something wrong
It does say A20N but not “Fly By Wire” like in your screenshot
Other question:
I made a flightplan on SimBrief but when I loaded it into the MCDU several fixes were missing.
So for example if my flightplan on the SB website shows the fixes:
the MCDU only loads and displays the fixes:
After some digging I found out this is because of “AIRAC” cycle mismatch and the only solution is subscription. This is something I cant do so I guess even SB is unusable?
You need to click on the link on the post above you, they have shared the specific FBW A32NX airframe that you need to save to your SimBrief profile, then it should appear on your airframe list.
It’s actually kinda funny. Previous simulators were always on older airacs (if any). MSFS is the first one to provide current airacs for free, but that now introduces the problem with other services on older airacs. You’re now kinda forced to use a navigraph subscription if you want to use simbrief with MSFS
Aha this clears things up for me , thank you! So to get the full benefit a subscription is needed. I will just use the guide from @SuperSixBravo and generate the plan from LNM > Paste into SB and take it from there. I just did a test of this and it works great!
This is interesting for me to learn, thanks. If this is not done the A320NX MCDU import will not work and the plan generated will be crazy?
Yes… If you fly a lot on the simulator using IFR it’s highly recommended. It’s about $9/month and includes current AIRAC for MSFS, simbrief, all IFR charts (and soon VFR) world wide. On top of that a lot of planes allow direct simbrief importing and charts display on the MFD via Navigraph. For me it’s very worth it
Sorry to the OP, I did mean to mention that a Navigraph Sub is really needed, and I did mean to mention about the GPS waypoints but It was late and I had a few things to sort out, so apologies for not informing of you that. IMHO it is just best to let simbrief do the planning and use Little Nav Map for GA and other stuff, but up to you.
If you are going to fly the PMDG/Fenix I cant stress enough the importance of a Navigraph Sub, it is the price of a beer or 2 or like 2 coffees in starbucks (monthly sub) and gives 10000000000 X the value to you
I totally agree it would be well worth it for that kind of user. I must however be honest here - I am a “midranger” when it comes to tubeliners. I sit between the super casuals and the hardcore study level people. So my plns in LNM copy what I see from RW flights from FlightAware for example. So right now a sub will not be used a lot by me but I totally hear you!
No apologies needed friend! In fact your post showing how to use LNM + SB is working very well for me and since Im used to LNM I can be quick at spitting out the plans.
I will of course still be interacting with SB as Im starting to see what a good site it is , very comprehensive!
A Simbrief (i.e. Navigraph) subscription also allows you to download the latest Airac to LNM so you can keep everything fully aligned and up-to-date.
Makes life so much simpler!