FBW A32NX brakes gauge

Hello everyone!
Having a look to the accu/press brakes gauge i noticed that the pressure doesn’t increase when pressing the pedals but just when the parking brakes are set to ON.
The Elec pump doesn’t seem to work to pressurize the system.
I believe the HYDs is still work in progress…

With the brakes… actually… don’t know. Have to check that. But yes, the hydraulics are in the works.

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This gauge is only active in a failure case. The thing behind this gauge is a reservoir that allows you to brake 7 full times until it‘s empty.

So as long as the plane is in normal condition you don‘t see it doing anything when you press the brakes on the pedals.


Hi AGuther!

Thanks for your comment.

I am not a real pilot but as far as I know and practicing with the SOP, one of the initial test from cold and dark was to test the Altn system by turning Off the A/Skid or the Yellow hyd system. So then you could actually see the arrows going up when pressing the pedals and the accu press going to empty (as you said) after 7 times. Then refilling back with the Elec pump.

It was simulating that in the FSLabs A320, but it’s not doing that in the FBW.

I’m sure they are still working on it but I think it is a good point :slight_smile:

@AGuther What a superb website that is! Well laid out and easy to read. Very useful. Thanks for the link.

Yeah true that the failure case might not be covered. that’s just not what you’ve written in your initial post that it’s about that. I understood you’ve expected to move also with pedals in the normal case…

in the video you’re right it moves, although i’m also unsure if that is a normal case. the green is supplied via PTU I assume the electrical pump is on.

i’m sure this will come over time…