Hi there,
I need some help getting the A32NX (green/white Livery) showing up in the Livery selection of MSFS. I am running the FBW DEV version. However, since several weeks now when I open MSFS and select Airliners / Liveries only the default A32NX (blue/white Livery in my case) is available. I cannot fly the green/white FBW aircraft. It only just shows up in the Sim at whatever airport as a static AI aircraft (see screenshot below). I really appreciate any help you can provide. Thank you.
Have you made sure you don’t have the marketplace version installed as well in your content manager?
Yes sure! Using the official FlyByWire Installer from their website and not the marketplace version.
Weird… usually issues like livery not being available is due to conflicts of different aircraft version that’s both in the sim at the same time. And checking up and cleaning up unnecessary versions would solve it. The marketplace version is also notorious for installing on its own without you knowing, so that’s why I asked to check it, since most people seems to miss that the marketplace version is actually installed and they had to manually remove it from the content manager to solve their problems.
It’s also possible that if you have either Stable or Dev version or Experimental version of the A32NX installed previously that sometimes they linger in the community folder. So the best practice is to delete everything that comes from A32NX in the community folder, as well as making sure the marketplace version is “not installed”. Then reinstall a fresh A32NX version of your choosing.
I don’t have an issue with mine, and I’m using the experimental version.
I would like to avoid all this job but as you suggested a Clean install it is always the best choice in some cases. So yeah, I have uninstalled ALL FBW Related Data folders and deleted ALL Registry keys across the title. Just don`t panic because I know exactly what I am doing out there! After this I just did a CLEAN install of FBW Development version. It is as simple as that. See screenshots bellow.