FBWA320 couple of degrees of course

I updated to the last version of the experimental version of the FBWa320, but i cannot get my plane on the correct course with the AP since this update. It’s about 4 miles offset. FD on/off doest matter, turning heading on the correct path and turning on the AP again will make it go 4 miles ofset again

i concur, i have the same problem.

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Same, it is experimental so you have to live with this. It also can happened that it looses the course. Sometimes a direct to helps.

I noticed from your screen shot that the FD is not switched on. Have you tried to turning it on?

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That doesn’t change it. Tried that already.

I did notice differences on the FDU between pilot (all in green) and co-pilot (dotted yellow)…

The flight follows the co-pilot track…

Switched all buttons on the switching panel to captain and now (for now) it all more or less on route.

The aircraft is on track. The ND drawing is just off. (in reply to your initial post)

You cannot see it on my pic,
But the line at the co-pilot side was on track.
But with the next FBW update is was fixed.