FBWA320 FPS loses in cockpit/gain in external view

Hi all,

Is anyone having this problem? I’m currently using the FBWA320 DEV version and I stutter and drop FPS in the cockpit view and taxiing, but gain FPS when I switch to external view which I don’t fly with very much. It’s a substantial difference of 10-12 FPS. I just departed New York and was getting 30-38 FPS with external view and 25-27 when I would switch back to my flight deck view. Shouldn’t this be opposite?

Any ideas? I have seen a video of a guy loading the airplane at the gate then immediately reloading it using the Developer mode. Anyone had luck doing this? He claims it has improved his FPS. Problem is when I do that, my airplane lunges forward and I go through the main terminal;I sort of teleport forward. Seems like a strange bug when I do that.

Anyways, thanks for reading any input would be appreciated, cheers.

Everyone has this – just search the forum for “Limited by mainthread” or CPU bottleneck or anything related.

In short, the glass displays cost a ton of CPU and they’re not drawn in external view. Airplanes with little to no glass displays can have equal or better framerates in the cockpit.

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Makes sense. I’m a little newer to the PC world. Is Directx 12 suppose to fix a lot of these issues?

That’s the hope. P3D is on DirectX and it doesn’t have this drastic difference. They mentioned moving glass to another thread to optimize it more.

This was talked lots of time, more or bigger glass cockpit less fps, unless fbw do a new code and/or adjust the glass cockpit we always will have a loss of fps inside a320 cockpit. I use low cockpit refresh rate and even like that the difference between inside and outside is large, and I lose even more fps when I turn on the EFB.

I feel like not enough people are talking about this. Flying the airplane isn’t enjoyable anymore. People with better rigs than mine are having a similar issue.

Also, every time you load a flight plan into the MCDU the performance drops drastically. FPS in low 20s sometimes in the teens and stuttering stronger than ever. I’ve reached out to FBW directly and they didn’t have a solution. They claimed they are getting 40FPS and running on Ultra. This problem doesn’t happen in Asobo A320 but the Asobo A320 is highly unrealistic and doesn’t fly as good as the FBW aircraft.

I’m annoyed with FBW because they continue to add more features without fixing or acknowledging the broken ones. Microsoft didn’t acknowledge if they were aware of glass cockpit issues. They weren’t much of help either.

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Yes I also stopped flying the FBW Mod. Any time I wrote about the FPS issues, I got the standard “It works for me” or “25 FPS is enough” kind of responses. I remember when I had around 45 FPS in the cockpit and a real pleasant experience. Now it has become a slideshow and they do not seem to acknowledge any of these issues.
For the same reason I cant bring myself to fly the DC 6 of PMDG. Aerosoft (and Majestic with their Dash 8 for P3D) showed that you can have high fidelity systems and high FPS in the same time, so it is definitely possible if the developers are willing to optimize the code behind the systems.

That’s normal behaviour with so much systems working in the fbw, in my ancient i72600k computer I can only use 2x sim rate while in external I am able to increase sim rate by one more step during cruise. I believe that’s normal trade off

Yes I’m glad someone understands the frustration. “It runs fine for me” isn’t good enough. A lot of people are having the same issue. For flight simmers it’s unplayable. Too much stutter. I can live with 28-30FPS but the stutter makes it un enjoyable.

We have to hold companies and developers to a higher standards. There is not enough accountability nowadays. I understand it’s freeware, but pumping out new features while there are tons of bugs and broken ones isn’t the right thing to do.

I can’t wait for Aerosoft to come out with their version of the Airbus. I rather pay $100 and get a great version than to get a freeware and it’s all broken. Just doesn’t sit right with me.

What are your specs? What does the devmode FPS counter say you’re limited by in external and cockpit view?

Last time I checked it said “limited by main thread” I think a few times it has given me limited by GPU but not always.

i7 11700F
RTX 2060

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