Feather River Canyon anyone?

I am flying around California and was deeply disappointed that this area north east of Lake Oroville is void of any details.

I am currently toying with the editor for the first time and this area won’t be released in the next days, but I want to show you some progress made so far.

Biggest problem of course is finding matching elements like bridges and rocks.
Also getting fixed are the blank surfaces: The whole canyon is rich in missing trees on the mountains where the AI could not identify the underlying images - resulting in dark and blank surfaces on shadowy areas.


Looking good. Been there many years ago.

First version released on flightsim.to:

Feather River Canyon (USA/CA) for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS


New version (2.0) up on flightsim.to:

  • Continued fixing riverbed, water masks and vegetation (mostly upstream)
  • Fixed railroad trackbed (mostly upstream)
  • Fixed watermask and surface on Oroville dam and resurfaced boat ramps and water inlet structure to power house
  • Added rockfall protections on railroad track
  • Added boulders

Have fun buzzing the canyon!

V 3.0 is up on flightsim.to

• New railroad tunnel model all along Feather River Canyon
• Updated intake structure on Oroville dam
• Added rail bridge over Thermalito diversion pool
• Added basic details around Thermalito diversion dam and Fish-barrier dam
• Added abandoned rail tunnel near Oroville dam
• Updated river beds
• Updated water masks
• Updated missing vegetation
• Added lower part POIs

Moving trains by Trains: North America (available on Marketplace inside MSFS2020):

Not perfect, but still fun to engage!

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V 4.0 is up on flightsim.to

*Added levees around downstream water structures and fixed water masking (Thermalito Complex)
*Fixed more river parts
*Added POI where sensible

Overview of all edits (Thermalito Afterbay down left, Lake Almanor top center):

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