Dear developers,
As you may have noticed, the community is already doing a great job at creating many real-world liveries for your aircraft (something you had mentioned you’d do, but we haven’t heard about it anymore, so please update us on this at some point? ).
The creators of the livery megapack have done a great job making the liveries available to the AI as well, going through the painstaking process of compiling hundreds of entries in the cfg file so that they would be used correctly.
Unfortunately, this exposed a rather relevant shortcomings in how ground traffic in airports is implemented.
At the moment, Microsoft Flight Simulator decides (arbitrarily? I really don’t know) how many static aircraft spawn on the ground, and then picks skins for each completely at random among all of those I have installed available to the AI.
This means that whenever I am at an airport, I will see aircraft from airlines that are completely out of place, as you can see in the images at the bottom of the post. Easyjet in Tokyo? I really don’t think so.
This is problematic, because what’s the point of having ultra-detailed scenery if the airports are full of parked aircraft that are completely irrealistic?
So here’s my feedback. This should IMHO be changed so that instead of picking aircraft at random, the AI would pick the correct aircraft that should be parked at that airport at any given time. I don’t think it’s necessary (or even possible) to have them at the right apron, but as long as it’s the right aircraft for the airport, it’s more than enough.
Since you partner with FlightAware, that provides you not only with data about aircraft that are en route, but also arrivals and departures, including the tail number of each aircraft (this is a premium feature, but I’m confident FlightAware can provide you with this data, right?).
You know when an aircraft with a given tail number is arriving and departing, so you can easily determine at any given time which specific aircraft are parked at an airport waiting for turnaround, which model they are, and which airline they belong to.
So when someone spawns at an airport or gets close enough to render the parked aircraft, you should IMHO do the following.
- Poll all the specific aircraft currently at the airport via FlightAware by comparing arrivals and departures.
- Determine for each aircraft which is the appropriate AI 3D model and spawn that (also laying the groundwork for third-party developers to expand the library of 3D models beyond the generic ones we have now)
- Determine whether the client has a livery appropriate for that model and that specific airline installed. If it does, apply that livery, if it doesn’t, apply a generic one.
Implementing this kind of system is IMHO absolutely indispensable if we want to reach a point in which airports will look realistic. What’s the point of having live AI traffic if that doesn’t apply properly to the ground, where AI traffic is the most visible (especially since we don’t have a traffic camera right now)?
I feel that if you folks at Asobo don’t do the groundwork to make this happen (basically implementing the system with variables third-parties can build upon), third-parties by themselves won’t be able to achieve this.
Incidentally, IMHO it’s sufficient to do this with airliners. Other may disagree, but personally I’m fine with having random GA aircraft, to keep the data flow more compact. It’s the random easyjet in Tokyo that breaks immersion, not some unrecognizable GA.
Pretty please?