Recently I’m getting some strange autopilot disconnects. It seems to happen during descent. When the AP disconnects the plane immediately wants to climb. I am on managed mode when this happens and “all seems fine” - then dingelingeling and we are climbing.
I can then manually redirect the plane to it’s trajectory and AP reconnects. But it can happen 3 - 4 times per flight.
Here is a screenie of such an event. Can you see the mistake I’m making? It’s strange - I did quite a lot of A320 flights and this behaviour I did not have in the past.
Could be a stray input (keyboard binding or joystick device) causing the controls to pitch up. This IIRC would cause the autopilot to disconnect, thinking you’ve “taken the wheel”. When you then take your actual controls, you reset the virtual yoke state and it responds as expected while you regain control. Then later after you go back to autopilot it’s doing it again?
In my last flight I had the disconnect 3 times. I was always able to recover and re-engage the AP. It then stayed for a while then - while I was fiddeling around with the FMS (entering arrival data) I heard the AP-disconnect jingle again. It’s weird - I almost would exclude an erratic button press - but sure - it could be after all. Will have to try more I guess.
Just to confirm - I did actually set my deadzones on ALL 6 axis to 10% - and still I get this message? I don’t understand what’s going on here. Any ideas?