Fenix A320 - some questions

Hello guys, i just had my first flight in the fenix. So far so good, however i have some general questions, would appreciate any feedback:

  1. i have the following default view (screenshot below) as i bought this product. I am not sure why i have this standard view because i have seen on many youtube videos that the pilot view can even see the PDF. Is there a way to adjust the view so that when i hit the “F” key i get my desire position specific for this aircraft?


  1. is there a way to set the IRS Alignment to instant?

  2. is it normal that although i have set a cold & dark panel as standard, the aircraft always load the fully functional cockpit and then set it to Cold & Dark?

  3. for those using the Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant, in my case i dont have control of the altitude selection knob, although it is set to “PLUS under the miscellaneous”, is there a workaround?

Thanks for your help

  1. I would download a custom view set from flightsim.to.
  2. I know that there is an option to let you decide if the passengers board the plane in real time or instantly. I would guess that there is also an option to accelerate the IRS align time. I don‘t have the plane, but I saw a video where the guy went through all the options in the EFB and I didn‘t see an option for the IRS align time. Maybe in the options of the FMCS?
  3. There are already some posts about that issue. Do you save a panel state after setting C&D as your default state? If so, I guess it has to be a bug.
  4. That‘s always the problem when 3rd party developpers have custom components. I never could get the altitude selector in the Carenados to work with my brave without using Spad.Next.

regarding the views, thanks for the tipp, i just saw one in flightsim to! i will give it a try (Fenix should definitely change that Standard view…). For the IRS need to do more research i guess. Regarding the C&D, i did save it once as my default configuration but every time the aircraft loads is like it forgets about it and reset the cockpit to C&D every time.

I have not found it so far
EDIT: I just found it, it is inside manual failures, you have to ready the IRS123 that are in orange :wink:

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Right mouse click to pan around (+ mousewheel to zoom) + arrow up down left right makes the eyepoint and camera angle and view 100% custom.

Hi :slight_smile:

what is the name of this custom view you found?
Does it make the standard view showing the PFD also?


check this out: Custom Camera Views [FENIX A320] » Microsoft Flight Simulator


It is possible to define the standard view by a key press. Have a look at the CAMERAS section to find such assignments.