Fénix A321?

Anybody know if Fénix plans to come out with a 321 or a P2F conversion?


Uh that would be absolute AWESOME!! Fenix said their next project is enhancing their A320 to the A321 version, but a freighter would be perfect.

I sent them a message, never got any answers. (like, if I purchase the 320, will I get the 321 or it will be a separate purchase)…

They don´t answer to that if someone is asking “will I get the A321 too?” because Fenix made an A320. There is no A321 from Fenix.

But because they are the absolute BEST and have even the electric systems and circuit breakers simulated, I really hope they make more Airbusses :slight_smile:

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I’m not picking up anything until I see the fs2024 full fleet list

Fenix A319 and A321 are coming out NEXT WEEK! Celebrate time!

fenix is much higher quality and fidelity than any default plane

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I know there are higher but I want to see what default aircraft are are available because I don’t need the same aircraft multiple times

Even if default A321/A320/A319 comes to MSFS 2024 it won’t be full fidelity aircraft - it will be most likely similar to what we have in current version of sim.

There will be definitely be good improvement mods to play with