Filter certain topics in forum

Is there a way to filter/block certain topics in the forum?

I would like to filter out the screenshot posts so that I can see other topics/news/announcements a bit easier on a mobile device.

Yes, you can.

I would suggest you “Mute” the #flying:user-screenshot-gallery category, and any other categories that aren’t of interest to you if you want to have the cleanest experience possible. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Go to your Preferences → Notifications → Categories page, and add categories the “Muted” list
  2. Click on the bell icon on the top right corner of a category’s posts feed, where you can select the option “muted”.

From the first option, you can easily navigate to the Tags page, where you can further filter topics based on the tags they have. Don’t want to see #xbox topics? No problem…

You can make use of the same topic filter function to get notifications for new topics or to automatically subscribe for topics under certain conditions. As a recommendation, I would set the category #community:news-and-announcements to “Watching First Post”

On a more granular note, if you want to mute a specific topic, you can do so by clicking the bell icon at the bottom of the topics page.

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