Finally a fix for registration white boxes for AI/MP

Hi all,

I wonder to know what do you think about this question, if it is a really important question and deserves more priority in the bugs section. Because I don’t know if it’s me that I am very detailed, or because it is very dificult to fix, or simply because other people don’t think it is noticeable…

Aircraft surroundings while, taxing, fliyng in formation, completing the checklist… It’s a very important feature for those who love simulators. And a very ugly and unimmersive detail, are the empty registration number boxes from the surrounding aircraft (and now much worst with the new aircraft and liveries without white fuselage). All the beauty created by the 3D artists vanishes with those white stickers, looks like the kitchen fridge xD

I readed about it on other threads, but I can’t undestand why Asobo haven’t fixed it yet. 2 years of updates and this still hasn’t been solved. Tired of waiting and wasting hope every update to see this solved, I decided to investigate why happen this. Found a really simple trick to hide the white box on AI/multiplayer airplanes. Editing the visibility of the registration number inside the .gltf files. Only the LODs higger than 00, because the 00 is for your own aircraft.

But I think Asobo could do this much better with a minimal development resources as far as I discovered. Would be a very huge fix, but of course, they need to know people care this question.

This is a votation started by Mauflo12961, we hope to be heard


Hi, I’ve been looking for a fix for ages. Unfortunately the link is file unavailable. Can you tell me which specific gltf file holds that white box? I can then apply the edit manually. Thanks.

It just now have been approved by admins. Download is available from now.

The white box is inside all the exterior gltf files from the model. We only need to fix the LODs higger than 00, disabling visibility for the material registrationnumber will hide that ugly sticker!


Thank you!

Thank you so much for sorting this out, all the best :+1:

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