Here’s a great gift that I think many of us have been waiting for: free VFR charts for all German airports. You can find all aerodrome, visual approach, and circuit charts in the AD section of the VFR AIP, which is available here:
hmmmm very strange that Germany VFR AIP isn’t available for free.
To my experience long time ago (no Navigraph in that times) it was simple to create account on real world AIP web pages (did many) and have all available. Really now I don’t remember about this Germany AIP. For VFR I use openflightmaps what is enough to me and very good.
Germany AIP has always been paid, which was a huge hassle for planning VFR flights to/through Germany. It always needed a separate subscription in SkyDemon and ForeFlight.
Glad they finally saw the light and realized this comes with more safety, well prepared pilots and overall VFR coverage in EU.
P.S.: The last update of Navigraph includes VFR maps.
Are pdf’s really that much sharper than these png’s? I mean, we view these charts on our kneeboards don’t we? A5 size, max, I think?
What are your thoughts?
I print the airport diagrams for the fields I use more than once and then put them into a binder. PDFs always print clearly. I haven’t tried any of the German fields yet.