Finally have a bug...big bug! (Stuck at loading screen)

I can’t comprehend this amount of download speed.

I just ran and it showed that I have :
239.18 Mbits/s Download
11.07 Mbits/s Upload

Are you sure about yours?
What does it say.

Can you browse the internet? (Chrome or MS browser)

Thanks. I can access the server and it commences download, but at such a slow speed it’ll take about 3 weeks to download the full 171GB

Yes, normal speed for non-MS downloads is fast, 3 kids watching movies, gaming etc and all other downloafs fast. The slow download is only for the MSFS download

50 download and upload - but only to close servers. If I ppint to EU or US servers it slows quite a bit

Hence my huge frustration

If you get 50 Mb/s download, that would not equate to the .5 to 1.5 Mb/s
you are getting from your download.

Click the link that @N6722C sent you.
I just did.
A picture displays immediately.

Does it do that for you?

Yes picture appears immediately, but I have been downloading for three days and have 140GB to go

More actually

The download process is one of “download a little” - “Decompress” – “download a little” - “Decompress” – etc etc

It could be what is slowing down the total download, is excessive “decompress” processing time.
ie It’s lot faster downloading to a SSD, than to an external drive on a USB2 connection !!
(especially if that “download to drive” is a spinning mechanical drive - and is heavily fragmented )

stands back – now 3 replying to this post at the same time !!! (not seen that before)

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This may not help you… but it is possible to download the files on a different computer and move it to your computer.

Do you have access to a faster connection (maybe a friend/family, work etc)?

If yes, you can log into the store and download the game there, and then move the 150-odd GB to your machine. There are guides on how to do this on the forum or just ask here if you want to try it.

I’m at a loss and don’t have the knowledge about
Internet servers, etc.

Sorry. But it just does not make sense that the MS Store download would be so slow.

Is the other kids on different PCs? Are they throttling your MS Store connection. I don’t know.

Hopefully @N6722C can help you.

Sorry I am not that knowledgable about speed conventions, but I have a 50Mbps up and download fibre bandwidth connection which has been more than enough for daily use. I downloaded the original version (90GB ?) in Sept 20 in less than 24 hours.

When I click on MSFS icon and it goes to “checking for updates” the numbers which appears on the download speed line is 0.5 to 1.5 Mbits/s

No, I kick them and all devices off when downloading

I am downloading to an SSD

The Store download is fine. The issue is with the download that the installer does.

I have a 1Gbps fiber connection (symmetric). Speedtests show real download speeds of 900+ Mbps and downloading is VERY fast for everything except the MSFS installer download. I can usually get 1Gigabyte of data in about ~9 seconds, so 150 GB should come in ~25 min, but it actually takes more than 90 min.

There’s something broken about how the installer downloads the files.

I have tried other connections, but the download speed For MS Store is the same

Thanks, how do I fix the MSFS installer though?

Can’t really fix that, but if you can get access to something faster (1 Gbps Fiber connection), it should be proportionately faster to download. If you’re getting 1.5 Mbps on your connection, a 1 Gb connection near you should give you 1.5 * 20 = 30 Mbps, which is still slow but a LOT faster than what you have.

He is talking about the MS Store installer, I think.

You can’t do anything about it.

But, there should be many users complaining of such a low download speed from MS Store.

Why is it only you?

The only thing that I can think of is to open a new Thread about the
.5 to 1.5 Mbits/s download speed from MS Store.

See if there are others. I know many are complaining about slow download speeds, but I can’t see that those are as low as yours.

Or, go to MS Store and ask them or give them a complaint or trouble ticket
or whatever to see how they respond.

Hahaha. Thanks good advice, but I have never seen more than a 100mbps line in South Africa never mind 1GB.