First flight in VR with RTX 4070Ti and Reverb G2

I replaced RTX 3070 (ca. 110% OC) with RTX 4070Ti (no OC yet, I hope to be able to OC by at least 10%).

  • CPU: i7-7700K ovc. to 4.6 GHz (quite old)
  • 32 GB RAM
  • Cessna 172 classic
  • HP Reverb G2, flight in VR, no motion reprojection
  • Flight from Malmo (Orbx moderate complexity scenery) to Copenhagen (FlyTampa complex scenery).
  • Clouds broken.
  • Simulator settings generally HIGH.
  • DLSS Quality
  • No DLSS 3.0, as it’s not applicable to VR
  • OXR Tools render scale 100%
  • Results (FPS) as displayed by OXR Toolkit

On average upgrade from 3700 to 4700Ti gives me 22% to 31% more FPS.

  • 22% improvement - for the lowest observerved FPS, typically when looking aroung with fast head movements
  • 31% improvement - when looking straight ahead

Looking straight ahead:

  • When no airport scenery is in sight - improvement reaches 40% (3070: 30 FPS, 4070Ti 41 FPS)
  • In Malmo (middle complexity scenery) - improvement 37-42%
  • In Copenhagen (high complexity scenery) - improvement ca. 17%, looks like I’m becoming CPU limited.

What’s interesting I was able to increase the OXR Tools render scale from 100% to 120% in Copenhagen without perceivable FPS decrease, but with visible sharpness improvement.

During the entire test flight:

  • the lowest FPS (Copenhagen, turining head quickly): 17 FPS
  • the lowest FPS (Copenhagen, looking straight ahead): 26 FPS
  • the highest FPS (just after take-off from Malmo, no airoprt scenery in sight, turning head quickly): 38 FPS
  • the highest FPS (GA parking spot in Malmo, simple scenery in sight, looking straight ahead): 41 FPS

I observed VRAM usage on 4070Ti up to 10 GB, exceeding my old 3070 available amount.

Quite expensive card but giving me some improvements. And fits my not so big case (unlike 3080, 3090, 4080).


Do you see a difference in VRAM usage between 100 and 120% in OXR?

I have a small case (Corsair Crystal 280X) Is the 4070 ti really smaller than a 3080?
I need to finally upgrade from my old 1080 to either 3080 or 4070 ti…
I also have a 8700k cpu OC to 4.7

I have pretty much the same settings as mentioned and also 4070ti and g2 I dont even see any difference between 100% and 120% oxr…so I always keep it on 100% and in sim dlss quality… TAA looks better but still gives me headaches as I get jitters and shaking and stutters here and there. but I use oxr override resolution (increased until performance got worse) and sharpening, which gives me the best clarity/performance ratio.
also coming from a 3070 ti I can confirm the mentioned increased performance. Yes the gpu was pretty expensive for a 70´s card, I am new to VR and as they always say, once you go VR you never go back. Its true. But the 3070 Ti was a just a little bit too less for what expected. Even paired with a 13900kf. I would have loved to go for a 4080 or even 4090 but I also need to get myself a headset because the g2 is only borrowed from my brother until end of the month lol

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That was my biggest concern when I bought the 3070Ti, and I was proven right… Now I’ll have to deal with it because wont be changing gpu anytime soon

I bought Inno3D card, it’s the smallest 4070Ti I managed to find. Temps and fan noise fully acceptable for me, despite relatively small fans.

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I’m also looking to make this same exact upgrade (3070 to 4070ti) as I have a small case and this is the only 40 series card that may fit in it.

I was wondering about the VRAM, do you use texture resolution high in MSFS? And with that you see about 10GB usage?

Also how are the the thermals for this particular card? Do you feel a need to under-volt it?

Oh and are you using DX11 or 12?

Thanks for the feedback!

Even after some OC the temperatures of the card are in 70 degree Celsius rage. No fancy playing with the voltage/frequency curves, just the simple sliders in MSI afterburner. Probably my CPU is preventing the GPU to run constantly at 100%, with faster CPU the card will be probably more loaded.
I observed 10GB of VRAM consumption when parking at complex Copenhagen Kastrup Fly Tampa scenery. Most of my settings are high, I don’t exactly remember the texture setting.

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I’ve also just installed a RTX 4070Ti and have noticed that, in the PC graphics setting menu, FS2020 doesn’t seem to recognise the new graphics card as being a 40 series. For me, “NVIDIA DLSS FRAME GENERATION” is greyed out. Has anyone else noticed the same?

Frame generation is not supported in VR, such option is not even available in VR Graphics settings in the sim. When VR is enabled, Frame Generation is indeed greyed out in PC Graphics settings. I fly exclusively in VR, I’m mid-flight now, so I don’t know is this option will remain greyed out in PC Graphics settings, when no VR will be enabled.

for dlss3 to be available in pc options, hardware accelerated gpu scheduling must be set to on in windows settings and you need to run msfs in dx12. however this leads to random crashes for me… so I stay with dx11

Turn HAGS on and switch to DX12 and youll see it

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@stekusteku so the bad memory bandwidth bus of 4070ti is not a problem in vr high resolutions?

I can compare only to 3070, my previous GPU, and I can only say that 4070Ti is faster.

Friend, i’ve made a upgrade from a I5 8400 to 13600K with same GPU (3070Ti) and, my god HOW I was wasting my money with this combination, CPU was HEAVILY holding my capacity in VR. Now i get easily the full potential of my 3070Ti, being hold firstly by low VRAM (8gigs for VR today is near nothing)

Ive upgraded from 3080 10gb undervolted to 4070ti stock. For me there was a significant boost in performance with a lot less heat.
Im running vive pro OG 1.3 super sampled and openxr FR with TAA not DLSS
for reference… Auckland international airport taxing same aircraft 30fps jumped to 46fps on same settings. way less stutters. Very happy with performance jump.

Also for reference Time spy results for Graphic score jumped from 16065 to 22235

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Hi Ofranicevich, I’ve just ordered a HP reverb G2 and am considering which GPU I should buy to replace my RTX 2060. The 3080 10 gb and 4070Ti are both available at my local shop and are both in my budget. From your experience I understand that the 4070Ti would be the better choice. Do you think this also applies to the reverb G2 ? It has higher resolution than the Vivre pro (21602160 per eye against 14401660) so I was worried the lower bandwidth of the 4070Ti might give worse results than the 3080.

Hi Dundonian. I dont understand much about the technical side/Bandwith argument. My brother an IT expert also advised against the 4070ti. But its night and day the difference im seeing.
I totally recommend 4070ti. it achieved much better results over 3080 10gb.
1.3ss on 1440x1660 is getting close to the G2 pixel count.
4mill pixels vs 4.7mil?
Ive owned the G2 before and samsung oddysey. Windows Mixed reality runs better FPS than vive for what ever reason. So id say youll get pretty decent performance too.

My CPU is 5800x3d
Using OXR toolkit default custom foveated Rendering.
My in-game settings combination high and ultra. TAA, render scale 130, texture resolution set high. water/bush/tress high, 130 LOD, precache ultra, terrain ultra, clouds ultra.
45fps most of the time.

You could run DLSS too with G2!.

PS Ive now OC the 4070ti. Reviewers claimed 10% gains with +2000 mem.
I achieved another 5% bump with 130+ core and 1000+ memory.
The previous 3080 required underclock because it produced too much heat!
timespy graphic results now are 23400 vs 16065.

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Thanks for the info Ofranicevich, I’ll get the 4070Ti then. The G2 should hopefully be delivered in a week or so, I’ll give an update once I’ve found the optimal setup for my computer.

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Awesome. Ill be interested to know what performance you get with the G2 at native resolution.