First thoughts on sim update 5

You must not be using Live Traffic of looking out the windows if it is that big of an improvement for you. I have never had a CTD until today. The whole thing is overexposed and washed out, the scenery pops in and out, and stupid little eyeballs on the tool tips just to name a few odd things with this update.

I am glad you are enjoying it though. Happy flights.

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Wow finally I can load FS in seconds. Everything seems fast and smooth. I have to try VR but graphics for me are a big improvement and no slow at all. I just need badly the 737. I cant fly the airbus on vatsim. I am tired of the C172…LOL…

Quite the opposite. I was flying in and out of Philadelphia international in a TBM and a 3rd party vertigo. Plenty of traffic in and out of the airport.

Make sure you do a reboot after the update.
Also give the sim a little time to settle down

Try the Cessna Longitude. It’s a great plane

been fooling with it since 2 PM EST. Glad you have good times.

Blue line. Try resetting your graphic settings. Mine was a bit washed out. Reset to ultra then adjusted from there. That fixed it

If my CPU is OC’ed, should I leave alone this setting ?

SUper happy gained more than 10 fps even after raising settings from before, very few stutters runs super smooth colours have been improved and lod distances are massively better.

Do not use AI traffic, it’s a CTD nightmare, have to be happy with the goofy humans if you want to see other planes for now.

Yea. Not gonna fly MP, especially not now. LOL

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It’s a little busy but only like 20% flew into the ground.

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I must say that the UI update was more of a hit than a miss at some point.

  1. World Map is switched places and thanks to the muscle memory I misclick the adjacent window several times.
  2. Hangar became way more complicated in some ways. The plane livery thumbnails are way too small to view them properly and surely won’t help people with even worse vision than mine. So, while the grid was an improvement the plane selection still became more complicated.

After starting out quite unhappy I’m back to being more happy but still have that one big issue still lacking - light anti alliassing and big glowy orbs of light.

Not to digress … I got my freelook hatswitch back flipped around, my trim wheel back in the other direction but I cant get the curve right. I got those awful buttons back to old … it’s not a bad idea, it’s just not there yet.

Then I went and over volted over clocked messed with my registry and the config file, deleted content xml and started over … worked fantastic.

My little West run of the stars from Bob Hope to John Wayne almost went off without a hitch … the overclocking and over volting was a bit much and I had a full lockup crash … because my CPU was at 87c … yes, that’s a reason to crash, finnaly slightly overburdened!

I guess 5.3ghz wont be a thing anymore but I don’t think I need it as much anyway.

Flight Sims tend to run less stable with overclocking. So I never overclock anything on mine and enjoy great stability. Like I said, for me (ESPECIALLY on a gaming laptop), keeping the temps down is important. So setting Processor State to 99% instead of 100 cures any temp issues. Like I said, nothing ever gets above 72 degrees for me. So no thermal throttling of any kind, and I have a peace of mind that the health of my devices is great. I don’t have any performance issues, so that’s what works for me.

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Like the update smoothness etc but not liking the chunk tool tops or highlighting they added to the mouse

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I’m noticing now the top toolbar indicator will occasional not disappear. No matter if your mouse is away from it or not. :frowning:

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Update install process…

Series of CTD during update.
Full update process fairly lengthy (about 4 hours.)

After install.

Performance increases seem quite incredible in terms of fps increases.
Subjectively it feels like the sim looks worse.

More CTD’s tonight than all previous CTD’s combined since install in Dec 2020

More TrackIR disconnects than all other previous TrackIR disconnects combined.
(I think I may have one, maybe two in all the time before this, tonight I had about 5)

Profile/log/cloud data seems pretty flaky. Airport history in world map shows only 3 Airports and these are the first 3 airports i ever flew from on install Dec 2021. Does not seem to remember which Airport I chose last even in this session or any airports I flew from before update…
Weights, fuel load etc…all seem to be “insta-forgotten” when shifting around pre-flight setup. Worse than before. (Previously I found only weather was forgotten)

Between CTD’s and TrackIR disconnects I have been unable to complete a flight since update.

All flight attempts took place in Kenya/Uganda area which I have flown intensively for the last couple of weeks.

Hardware is all custom water cooled to a degree that can only be described at “ridiculous overkill” and temps are all still well within control. CPU cores never exceeded 50c under load. GPU core and Vram similarly cool.
Coolant temp approx 5c over ambient.

Nothing but CTD’s!
Several times during download.
Several times when loading the sim.
Several times while zooming in on the new more detailed map.
Several times when loading bush flights.
Several times when in flights, all is going well, seems like improved VR Performance then boom, CDT.
Community Folder is empty, have tried changing my setting to lower than I had them at prior to the update. No help, still CTD.
My System:
CPU- Intel i7 8700K
GPU- Gigabyte GTX 1070 ti Windforce
Very stable prior to this update.
Will try again tomorrow and enter a Zen Desk tickit if not improved.

I’ve only done one flight before updating all the free stuff.

My briefest impression was -

a very noticeable FPS hit when looking around, but I didn’t see any outrageous pop ins. This is some city in Russia so I’ve no idea what it was like before.

It seems rather brighter than before.

My controls are changed. No biggie.

It ran fine for me before so I’ll see if I can up settings and hopefully it should still perform well.

I haven’t tried any third party stuff yet. That’ll be clincher for me.

Just started installing SU5. Had a CTD at 2%. Restarted and so far so good. Not expecting to be too blown away. Seems like this update has been a dumpster fire so far. Haven’t seen anything about updates to avionics that have been on the roadmap since SU4 to get implemented and fixed including WT improvements. Guess XBOX playability and what not was the most important. Shaft the PC players…you know the ones who will support this platform long term with their monetary support. After seeing all the issues simmers are having Yet Again, have never wished more than ever that we could get a legitimate competitor using photogrammetry and satellite data to develop a new platform. You know…like X-Plane and Google teaming up. Yep I said it but you know, healthy competition benefits all simmers and platforms.