A lot of people recently been having this random extrem FPS drops from 40+ down to under 10 FPS. I’ve had this problem and was able to resolve it.
As we know, Under normal gaming condition we have 100% GPU usage at operating temperature (60-70C), and a reasonable CPU usage from 20% to 50% depending on your CPU. But when this sudden FPS drop happens, you all see your GPU and CPU pretty much at IDLE. Chilling at 10% usage and 40C while your game tank at 2 FPS.
If u turn on dev mode and turn on FPS display you would see, at this point, “limited by CT Draw” when normally it’s “limited by GPU.” A quick google you would find that it’s the glass panels in the cockpit that’s causing this CT Draw bs.
So the answer you’ve all been looking for:
simply turn your view away from the cockpit glass panels, look at the roof of your cockpit, or the seat, or outside. Simply look away. And this is not an instant fix. It takes a while. At least 30 sec to 1 min if not more. Give it time it will recover eventually.
No issues here, there is a setting to lower the update rate of panels since update #2. And be sure there are no addons loaded from the Community folder when checking for problems.
I just experienced the same issue. So annoying after a flight of four hours!
Closing the VFR didn’t change anything for me.
Hope it will be solved soon.
i ran into the issue as well yesterday.
looked in the console while the issue was happening and saw icing error messages littered throughout the console. i was using a custom airplane with IFR, and think the issue was due to not having the icing modeled for the custom airplane. this was the only time i came across the issue as i’ve been using stock aircraft for the most part.
I usually get this when I activate drone mode and move around. Something probably goes infinitive loop that gets killed eventually and the game is almost unresponsive. It’s like extreme lag and I have to quit the flight for it to reset.
same issue for me today … fps drops to 10 after 1h of flying
start flying with vfr map active on my second screen …
works fine with around 45-50 fps but after 1h i get this massive frame drops…
…disabling the vfr map in the quickbar fix the low fps instantly
I don´t have VFR map open or in the quickbar. it happens sporadically and without any reason. my FPS are locked to 33 - and it’s very smooth, no matter where - CPU usage around 30-35%, GPU 70%-95% depending on the location, settings MAX-Ultra, resolution 57609x1080 - when this happens, the graphics card usage goes to 30% and CPU to 10%, temperatures are completely normal (CPU @46° MAX and GPU 74°). as if the process would “fall asleep”, apparently not related to the graphic settings, it just happens. there is definitely something wrong. didn’t have that with any of the other versions.
Specs: 10920x@4.6 Ghz, 2080Ti, 64GB RAM, all ssd´s, default without any “tweaks” or community addons (to exclude errors)!
I understand - today it happened to me during the flight from LOWW - EGLL - almost the whole flight super smooth, then during the approach suddenly jumps from 33 FPS to 20-24-20-25 which led to pauses for seconds, limited by main thread, all red - then again all ok - then again the same - but in the final approach again my smooth 33 FPS (down to 28) but without stuttering…