[FIXED ON LIVE] You are missing packages that are essential to run Microsoft Flight Simulator. Please update the application and try again

After I read andyjb post in the other thread:

And my 10th or so reinstallation, last time from the DVD version (which created the C152 and TBM930 folder), I went back to my PublishedPackages_Content_Mandatory.xml file and compared it with the current installation, noticed now only asobo-vcockpits-instruments-b787-10 is missing (before the DVD installation I was also missing the C152 and TBM930 folder).

Well, I just made a copy&paste from the asobo-vcockpits-instruments-b747-8 folder and now I don’t have any missing essential packages screen anymore.

Of course this for sure is not the correct way and by the way, the C152 and TBM930 is still missing in game, both in the content manager as well as in the aircraft selection window.

If I look at the manifest.json in the C152 folder it’s “package_version”: “0.1.30” and the TBM is “package_version”: “0.1.37” both are most likely out of date and as they are not listed in the content manager they propably did not get updated. What version are your planes ?

But all of this does not fix the unabilitty for me to start a new flight from the world menu. :face_vomiting:

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