Yes but only when the flaps are down. It does show me an angle of 10 to 15 but that’s after the flaps are retracted.
If I decide to do that myself regardless of the FD the aircraft stalls.
Yes but only when the flaps are down. It does show me an angle of 10 to 15 but that’s after the flaps are retracted.
If I decide to do that myself regardless of the FD the aircraft stalls.
Adjust the aircraft nose (raise and - or lower) to maintain a speed of about 160 kts in initial climb, untill you get to the acceleration altitude.
In the real A320, the flight director will cue you to do that. (as does the FBW A320)
I’ll try, thanks.
Flex temp , take off and transfer throttles to thrust climb , auto throttle automatically engages, then click autopilot at 1500 ft and check flaps set to zero from 1 take off preset , ( watch barber pole) then climb out at correct QNH , check climb settings on altitude selector
When I engage the auto pilot the flaps retracts by them selves immediately.
Where do I get the FLEX temp from? I use this one particular calculator and it always shows 43 degrees no matter the circumstances.
The only thing I can type in is the aircraft, airport, runway, OAT, TOW, packs and flaps.
We are talking about the FBWA320nx aren’t we?
The flex temp is on the throttle lever as one of the detentes and you set it up in the mcdu
The flex temp is on the Perf tab, and is underneath the flaps setting number in perf
This is on the right hand side, the left is where you put the VR, V1,V2 speeds
The flaps retracting when you turn on autopilot doesn’t sound right unless you have set a key binding for it to do that , I normally manually retract flaps when it shows up the time to retract the flaps on the barber pole
Maybe it would be best if you go on you tube , there are some good videos showing setting up the mcdu etc
Good luck
No, it is the default 320.
It is very weird for sure. But I’m going to look for a way around this non sense.
I’ll take a look at it. Thanks for your help!
Try this tool:
It should be the one you are using, but doesn’t give me just the one reading.
What are you entering as OAT and TOW?
That’s exactly what i use.
Well, I get the OAT from the lower ECAM monitor and the TOW from the FUEL button on the tool bar.
Well I’ve done some more research on that chart.
As you have found out, it doesn’t work.
There are several posts in here on that.
Here is a link to a vid showing how to use the actual chart.
The chart itself is available in the description below the vid.
Thanks man.