Fligh plan issues when destination is same airport as origin


On bulk MSFS , I’m trying to configure the FMS and declare a flight plan where departure airport is the same as the destination airport.

On A320, the entry is simply ignored. For instance, trying to set LFPO/LFPO or FMEE/FMEE yields NO ORIGIN/DEST, while LPFO/FMEE is accepted:

On CJ4, the entry is allowed, but then FMS never allows to configure arrival procedure.
More precisely, entering LPFO/FMEE: the <ARR entry is available in DEP/ARR INDEX. Changing dest to LFPO and the entry is gone. Both DEP and ARR airport should be entered once more to get the <ARR entry back…
Same issue occurs when entering LFPO/LFPO straight away.

(I got videos to show the issues but system prevents to add links)

Issue not yet submitted to Zendesk (not sure these are bugs):

  • Am I doing something wrong?
  • Is is allowed to set same airport as departure / arrival of a flight plan?
  • How can I do so?


I’m not an expert in FMS but if I create a flightplan from the worldmap it works

And it works for LFPO also.

Thanks for the answer, so this means performing such flight plan is allowed.

Main question now is: how to manually configure the FMS to do so ?

When you make the plan in the world map, as it was above, it is automatically imported to the airplane.

Thanks, but the goal is not to use MSFS world map to create and configure the FMS automatically (too easy).

I already have a flight plan LPFO/LFPO and I would like to manually configure it in the FMS.
I manage to do it for other flight plans, when depature and arrival airports are differents, but fail to configure the FMS when the flight plan comes back to the departure point.

I use the A320 Custom FlybyWire mod.
This is completely do-able with it.
I used my home airport of CYHZ, typed in as CYHZ/CYHZ,
Went to departures, selected that, went to arrivals, selected that,
back on flight plan, all shows up.

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As far as the CJ4, is it the default model, or is it the Working Title mod you are working with?

I have done this with the WT mod CJ4, and was able to enter an approach and do an ILS landing. I have never tried it with the default CJ4 though.

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Thanks @PopsMcDaddyo and @TheSevenflyer .
I can confirm that is works 100% OK using Working Title’s Citation CJ4 and the FlyByWire’s A320…

So the original issue is a bug / limitation in default MSFS aircrafts.

=> That is a very good reason to install and use the mods :slight_smile:
=> Will report it to ZenDesk nonetheless !


Yes, Working Title and FlyByWire are absolutely KILLIN’ it! Amazing what they have accomplished in such a short timeframe. Especially since the SDK isn’t even finished yet!:flushed:

These teams have made the experience SO much better than if we were stuck with default. Huge and many thanks to all who are contributing!!!

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