Hello, i have this, what i thought was an awsome looking game, besides the absolute mess to log in, i cant even use my own gamertag, the flight control surfaces stay in one position even when i let go of the joystick, the plane starts to dive, climb, roll, i have to keep correcting, its a shambles. Why won’t the flight control surfaces return to centre as soon as i let go??? This is just one of many issues i have with this game!
Have you tried going through the training scenarios with the Cessna 152?
Some of your questions will be answered there.
i cant get past the first one, Because of this i cnt fly the ■■■■ plane!
If you push the stick to the left, the plane will roll to the left. If you then centre the stick that won’t make the plane fly straight, and level. It will merely centre the control surfaces, in this case the ailerons. To fly straight, and level you then need to push the stick to the right until the plane is level again, and get ready to recentre the stick when the plane is level once more.
Which stick are you using, and under Options/Controls did you see a picture of that stick? That would indicate Asobo created a default profile for it, in that case primary flight controls should be correctly bound.
If it appeared as a grey question mark, then you would need to bind the stick to the correct axes, and you might have something incorrectly configured. I’m not sure that’s the case as you said the plane turns when you deflect the stick so presumably you can also turn in the other direction.
Hello. I agree with hobanagerik explanation. In my case, though, after pushing the stick to the right until the plane is level again, if I recenter the stick the plane begins a slight rolling to the left. I compensate again by pushing the stick to the right and I think this is probably normal because of aerodinamics laws. The problem is that every time I have to compensate to the right for about 15 seconds (sometimes more) in order to regain straight level after a, say, 30 degrees turn to the left. If I compensate to the right for about 4/5 seconds, which is an amount of time that I could bear with, that is not enough and the plane keeps deviate to the left if I leave the stick and center it.
I can’t believe that I have to keep pushing slightly to the right for over 15 seconds after reaching straight level after a simple 30 degrees turn (in calm wind conditions and good weather…).
What do you think?..
It could be one of the left turning tendencies, or it could be a crosswind. If the plane you are in has rudder trim you can use that to reduce some of the fatigue of nudging it back on course.
This is exactly how a real airplane works.
On the wings and tail surfaces there are little metal tabs that are bent to trim out rolling, yawing and pitching tendencies. The laws of aerodynamics tell us that an aircraft is only relatively stable at a specific steady airspeed. The trim tabs are adjusted to achieve that level of stability at normal cruise settings.
This is where the pilot and their training and preparation come in. Depending on the aircraft you are flying, the operating handbook will tell you the power settings to achieve normal cruise. (among a wealth of other information)
You cannot just firewall the throttle, take off and fly along without properly adjusting (depending on aircraft) the throttle, mixture and prop. Once that is done the aircraft’s flight trim can be adjusted to keep the aircraft in the stable zone for the attitude you are trying to maintain.
Again, depending on the aircraft, there will be elevator trim, aileron trim and/or rudder trim. Once the aircraft is in the attitude you want and the power, et al set, you adjust the flight trims to relieve any control input from the pilot to maintain that attitude.
Any changes to attitude and/or power settings will require a retrimming of the aircraft. This is called flying, not riding, for a reason. When not using an autopilot, the pilot needs to continuously be ‘flying’ the aircraft. Any outside forces acting upon the airframe will also have an effect on the stability. The air you are flying in is moving. Just like in a boat, you will hit waves that will upset the balance and can change your direction, speed, altitude or attitude, or all at once.
Watch some videos, read some books, take the lessons. Flying, for some, comes naturally. For others, not so much. Anyone can learn to fly. The upside here in the sim is it doesn’t have the same repercussions when you screw up.
FYI, double check and make sure that your controller is set up to use the “AXIS” for each input and not something like aileron left
and aileron right
. These are for keyboard inputs only and not for stick or yoke.
Also be sure your Flight Model is set to MODERN not legacy.
That should probably be stickied somewhere for new users.
Topic moved into #bugs-and-issues:aircraft-systems for control surfaces.
I think maybe you guys are misinterpreting his question. Had a similar situation on the ground the other day. Flying a 172 and whenever i centered stick it would slowly move full back position or full forward position.
Resulting in when flying the aircraft would fly fine while holding stick but when trimmed and let go of stick it would want to dive.
I exited game, recalibrated my stick, came back in and all was working fine after that.
thank you everyone, i am new to the game and i don’t have many hours in it, i didn’t know that the plane won’t self right, but now i do
I agree that folks are not understanding his problem. The “control units” i.e. ailerons, elevator, and rudder are not returning to the center position when you take your hands off the stick/yoke. The control units stay in the last moved to position. That is not normal, and makes it impossible to fly any of the aircraft. I am having the same issue.
I’m not seeing that, and never have. My yoke has bungie cords, so other than about an inch or so travel dead centre, where the cords are at their loosest, it always returns to centre, both in the physical, and virtual cockpit.
Do you have a way of visualising what you mean, like a short video?