This has been solved, just run the logi plugin every time the sim is run (with FIPs already active). I should have edited this post before now, sorry.
So far I have yet to see anything about this so, apologies if I have had a brain-fade.
Every time I have started a flight in MSFS2024 my flight instrument panels just sit there with the rolling Saitek advert screens - they just don’t seem to be seen or addressed by the sim.
Is this a known problem or have I missed out on some info somewhere (they work fine in MSFS 2020)?
First post ever. Hope this helps at least one person
Just got all my logi/saitek working. 5 fips, radio, instrument, auto pilot one, 2 throttles, yoke system and rudders.
Did a full reset of c drive (all my games are on D:) Win 11, only plugged in yoke and throttles, ran updates, drives and nvidia,
Installed in order
Flight_Rudder Pedals_x64_8_0_213_0
USBEnhancePowerManagementDisabled (forget where i got this from) disables all the USB power settings
Launched FS2024 (reinstalled over old install)
Reconfigured my throttles and yoke
Did NOT need to configure any panels
Everything worked this time (yeah)
Plugged in all 5 fips
Installed Flight_Instrumenr_Panel_x64_Drivers
Reran MSFS_Plugin_x64_Software_8.0.313.0
All saitek/logitech hardware works now (i do have 3 USB Powered hubs) only yoke, keyboard and mouse are plugged in directly.
4 monitors 3 setup with NVidea surround 8k cables for 165 hz, monitor 4 above the middle monitor (haven’t got the top monitor perfect yet using the settings, experimental, additional render window, but it’s good enough for me for now
All my drivers, plugins and power usb tool
What you did was dilligent and more time consuming than many of us might consider justifiable for a newly released software program. Congrats for getting it to work. On the other hand, it seems the developers should have had reasonable time to include components which would already do what you did and not leave it in the laps of the most dedicated of sim users to discover.
(123 was to do with language support I think - I used the 134)
This led me to wonder if the FIP drivers had been replaced by some inclusion in the MSFS_Plugin_x64_Software_8.0.313.0.exe but I can find no information on that.
(I am wondering if that might be why my FIPs worked in 2024 after I ran that plugin for a different reason.)
Yes it is just the FIPs that are being problematic as far as I am concerned. At the moment I find that I have to run the LogiMicrosoftFlightSimulator.exe file before starting the sim to ensure they work properly. I have no issues with the radio panel and multipanel thankfully.
Sorry to hear that. Here is what I find I have to do (last 3 sessions worked like this):
After starting the sim I click on a shortcut I pinned in my start menu to the LogiMicrosoftFlightSimulator.exe file. Immediately my FIPs come online as does my Radio and Multi panels.
I have to do this every time but AFTER loading the sim.
I am still trying to get some sense out of Logi support as to why the various drivers are no longer available on their website (apart from the MSFSPlugin one). Maybe the 313 plugin incorporates the drivers, I await Logi support answer on that.
So logi got back at last and pointed out that you have to be logged-in with a Logi-ID to see the downloads.
By the way, I should have updated the OP to point out that I have everything running fine. Sorry
I got most working BUT not reliable, The pitch trim does nothing nor is there any way to assign within the msfs2024 app. I don’t understand why not…
As well, the rudders are not working …amazing