Flight plan always starts in the air and not on runway

Hi, asking this for my dad (he’s 80 and i have zero knowledge at the game).

He’s been trying to play the world map, set flight plan departure and arrival at selected airports.
Selects a specific plain model.

but when he presses Fly, it’s always the same location, the same plain model and most importantly - starts at the air and not from runway. we’ve selected from the drop down menu either depart from runway or gateX. its always the same.

I uninstalled and reinstalled the game for him and still, no change.

please help. I live in a different country and try to help through teamviewer but that’s as far as I can go… we’re both very frustrated.

Thanks in advance,

Two things to try:

  1. Remove the current ‘custom flight’ saves and restart the sim: I cannot load any different airport and plane - always the same airport and same aircraft - non ascii windows 10 account name - #77 by BlondeAcrobat62
  2. Do you have any non-english characters in your windows username? That can sometimes be an issue:
    I cannot load any different airport and plane - always the same airport and same aircraft - non ascii windows 10 account name - #64 by CaptKennintong

Yes, my dad does have non-english letters in his windows username!
I will try both advices tomorrow and will give an update here.

Thank you!!

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yes! checkboxing “Beta version: Use UTF-8 for language compatibility” worked!!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH from me and my dad!!!

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No problem at all, happy flying! :airplane:

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Thanks for helping! Closing this as solved since a solution was marked. If anyone has a similar issue, please check the threads above or search the forum.