Flight plan disappeared in bush trip if I quit and saved, then came back later

I have the same issue as well, some of my bush trips show less than 100% though I flew them all. only 92%&93% But every leg has been ticked and I got the achievement.

me too…I flew the whole Chile Bush Trip, on the menu it only say 92% complete.

One work around thas works for me, when the flight plan is losted, is overwrite the .FLT file located in the MISSIONS folder under te name finished in _SAVE with the last saved .FLT, located in the last leg folder ie. _00XX.
Once this file is overwrited, edit (is a text file) with notepad and delete from each entry this number of leg (normaly appears 4 times) and leave each name without this leg number ending in _SAVE.
The next time that you run the bush trip, the flight plan should be there, but sometimes with other leg as active. Then, previously to takeoff, change the active leg.

After patch yesterday still the same probs. In all BT 's → no flight plan an bugs while routeplaning. I can’t activate approaches. The load- and the activate button is missing. Thats totally frustrating :frowning:

Hi fellow aviators,

my whole Bush Trip went missing. I tried the new Germany Trip from North to south, flew one leg, it says trip is 100% completed. I can’t access the legs anymore in the selection.
Is there a fix to modify a file where all achievments are stored in order to delete this “achievment”?

Thank you!

Works for me, thank you for the hint !

I’ve found a workaround that seems to work (tried a couple of times for the moment). It involves some files management.

When the flight is complete and you see the successful message on the screen, before click to the NEXT button, open file explorer and navigate to %APPDATA%\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\MISSIONS\ACTIVITIES\Asobo-BUSHTRIP-XXXXXX_SAVE (where XXXXXX is the activity name) and copy the file Asobo-BUSHTRIP-XXXXXX_SAVE.FLT somewhere.

Then go back to the flight simulator click NEXT and exit (or flight something else).

When you want to continue the activity, before start the simulator, take the copied file and copy back to Asobo-BUSHTRIP-XXXXXX_SAVE.FLT. Then start the simulator and load the activity.

You flight plan should be there.

Same issue for me after SU8

Yes this Issue is still present.

Pleas Asobo show some love to the Bustrips Bugs… it’s really sad…

Just a word of warning! Save the files in a completely different folder! For a while I had a backups folder under activities and was just copying to there. Gradually all my trips got messed up and it took me a while to realise that the Asobo code scans the entire folder and sub folders for the Asobo-xxxxx,FLT files. It was finding multiple copies of course :grimacing:

Same problem here too :frowning: . I would like to be able to do at least one of the following:

  1. Load next leg of bush trip (besides first) and have the flight plan in the G1000. It can be the full flight plan like is loaded on leg 1 because we can just activate a leg in the G1000.
  2. Allow sim rate increase in bush trips. Sometimes they get a little slow, or you crash or the program crashes and you have to repeat a leg.
  3. Allow saves during bush trip like regular save. I was hoping to be able to do this to load the savegame with a fully populated G1000 but this is disabled.

Thanks to the user who suggested hacking the .FLT files , I opened the saved ones and they all have the flight plan data, so I’m going to try to save a second leg and splice in the flight plan data if it’s not there. Either way this shouldn’t be necessary.

The bush trips are a good way to see some sights but it shouldn’t be this annoying. GPS is loaded, I understand the teaching about VFR and dead-reckoning navigation, but don’t fill the G1000 at all, then. And allow sim rate increase! :smiley:


Some more investigating… Splicing in the .FLT GPS data didn’t cut it. However…

I was able to retain the flight plan in the G1000 if I hit “continue” after the landing. Then after verifying that a new .FLT was saved in the new leg (and backing it up) I exited to main menu then restarted at the second leg of the trip… The flight plan was retained! :slight_smile:

TL;DR: after landing, hit continue, then exit after returning to your cockpit and hopefully the flight plan data will stay in the flight computer.

There are no POI’s and Flight plan in the aircraft and in the maps in Bush Trip Iceland, Part 4 from Akureyri to Alexander.

The same issue was reported here: Flight plan disappeared in bush trip if I quit and saved, then came back later - Bugs & Issues

After this happening to me a few times I decided to try the I.T. Crowd method of fixing things. The old, So, Have You Tried Turning It Off and On Again?"

After a complete systems shutdown and restart, you’ll probably find that your fpl did a disappearing act, no worries mate, the original fpl waypoints will still be visible and all you need to do is reenter the waypoints in the original order and you’re cleared for flight.

This post is a little old but I hope it saves at least one person a little grief.

I have the same problem. I flew Austria bush trip. When I complete a leg, the flight plan is no longer there on the next leg (continue selection). I need to restart the leg to reinstate the flight plan but it is then at waypoint one. I need to scroll through to the appropriate waypoint and activate it. Also, whenever I use the ESC key to completely pause the sim, then when I press ESC again, the trim level goes to minus 99. Both of these are unacceptable and should be corrected. The problems continued even after installing the updates on 10/1/24. Why do they introduce problems into the sim with new releases? This problem has been there for a couple of months at least.

There is a workaround for this problem: Help and Support (en-US)