I encounter a bug in flight planning since and
Let’s try to plan a small flight in Corsica from LFKC to LFKT, with a touch and go at LFKP:
As you can see I need to start by flying full East.
Now let’s jump in our plane, and open the nav book:
Several problems here:
- it indicates a direction of 6° quite far from the 89° on the map, even the destination airport is not in that direction.
- the distance is 0 miles… ok that’s a really small flight
Here is my pln : LFKC-LFKT.PLN (2.3 KB)
I close and reload MSFS. I load my flight plan, here is the result:
After LFKP an infinite leg as appeared… Notice that I’ve also encountered this in the Japan flight trip last month.
When in the plane the nav book is still broken:
A detail : as you can see on that screenshot this time instead of using the ICAO identifiers it uses the name of the airport. That’s not a problem, just a different way to display things in the same place.
Have a nice day !