If I could share my flight with Piper Seneca.
Somehow I like your area of flight in Indonesia, nice place. I did this flight under IFR but weather was quite good. I must say that data what I have available as sim nav data are little bit weak, especially for WIMN dep as suggested minimal safe altitude to POMIG but did that with set of 10000ft on QNH 1013 or altimeter 29.92, pressure was like this. Did FPL like WIMN DCT POMIG DCT NIS DCT WIMB and set departure due my wind on departure airport rwy27 as POMIG1B. All set and start my Seneca at eastern APN. My screenshots with some description:
- set FPL on WIMN east APN
2.POMIG1B departure, climbing to 10000ft.
Piper Seneca PA34V
approaching POMIG soon
some interesting land at POMIG
direct NIS VOR at WIMB
check some landing checklists at Seneca’s tablet
weather at WIMB looks good, cancel IFR and continue visually direct airport, here you can see that from chart is recommended min safe altitude 2500ft at local QNH/altimeter pressure so started descent after that check of weather is ok.
after join downwind rwy27 now final rwy27 for land
little back track to vacate runway, turning left
Piper Seneca at stand/parking
Hope you enjoy my pictures and good luck with your flight at very nice place you’ve shared.