Flight Planning - VFR Direct - GPS - not direct!

Hey guys,

I feel that the flight planning has changed. I try to put together a simple slight (see attachment taiwan vfr). It is not direct. Instead predicts where I should be flying to and places me in line with an ILS on the destination airport’s runway. I can’t seem to turn that function off. Also attached a snapshot from littlenavmap showing the points that MSFS creates for this journey.

Is this a bug? Or change in set-up?


I may be wrong, but it looks like it’s just generated a plan that will line you up to the selected runway for landing. I suspect if a runway was not selected/left as automatic it would behave as you expect.

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Thanks LHS,

You are right. Selecting a different runway creates a different plan. However, not selecting a runway, or changing the selection to a gate/parking spot still does not guide one directly to the airport… If it is not a bug, it is annoying. :slight_smile:

Regards - Arch

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