Flight Report - KNYL - KNUC-NALF

All - Boeing 787 from KNYL - IFR to KNUC-NALF - Visual Landing. LNVA and VNAV worked very well. Setup flight in World Map, at active Runway, turned off ATC and used the VFR map to check route. Sun setting in my eyes, so changed landing so it would be at my back. Plane flew just fine, Auto Pilot worked really well, a few little things, used VLC to descend as elevation is about 116’ so you can take her down to 2800 well out from final approach, turn down speed and just hand fly in. I did not have to kill AP at end, it turned off fine. Hand flew in circle and landed just fine on RW. Taxiways are narrow, parking is also limited near tower (no atc perse’) SU7 it seems fixed a lot of what has been wrong with this plane. 747 is way too big to park there, but you could do touch and go. On YouTube, video of tactical descent of C-17 doing approach, did not land. But again, you could do Touch and Go there, plenty of runway for that. Another practice field, near lots of USAF and USN fields so practicing F-18, F-15, F-14 there would also be good.

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What does this mean? You didn’t disengage the AP, just started hand flying?

No wind, I assume?

Did not notice any wind at my FL, 2500 AGL after waypoint ACCEL(SP). Sometimes in 747/787, you go to disengage AP and it refuses to turn off, then you click on the gray bar, which just takes whole system offline. This time, turning off Auto Throttle, and Flight Director, actually turned off all the systems along with the master AP button. That is what I meant. RMAG has an excellent video on 747 AP system, which I link in my 747 Cold and Dark Checklist in another thread. He mentions the gray bar and sometimes necessary to pull it to disengage AP systems.

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