I have heard there is going to be an update on flight sim for x box called flight sim 40th anniversary edition next month ?
Does anyone know anything about this ?
How do you get this update ?
When you switch the series x on before you start flight sim, and it updates in a mandatory game update - will the 40th anniversary edition update in this way - so the existing version of flight sim on the series x will update to the 40th anniversary edition from this update
Also and most importantly is this just a cosmetic upgrade like more planes and airports etc and faults in the current version of the game not being repaired ?
Will this upgrade once and for all finally repair the problem where the toolbar and horizon icon for your destination airport does not appear after you load a saved flight ? This is by far the most important thing that needs to be resolved in the update
Many thanks for your info
It will be releasing on Nov. 11 with SU11
If you mean aircraft-most of them will be downloaded through the Marketplace for free. Others will be automatically in your hanger.
It includes all of the aircraft + airports + missions with improvements to the game. You can see the probable release notes here: #sim-update-11-beta:general-discussion-su10
So this is an automatic game update - when you switch the series x on and before you start the game
Looks like it’s a cosmetic upgrade - I don’t think the faults I have mentioned are going to be resolved
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You can check here: #sim-update-11-beta:welcome-to-sim-update-10-beta
I’d suggest that you subscribe to the News section on this forum and you’ll know everything about new updates as soon as anyone else 

Anyways. Here are the release notes, so you can check for yourself what’s fixed
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While not specifically mention the toolbar fault in the release notes - it does mention that bug fixes are being addressed - so there is a chance that this update finally resolves this major issue
Let’s hope so
Don’t mix things over here - the 40th anniversary edition brings new aircraft including helicopters and gliders, scenery and missions. It’s basically optional content delivered for free on the market place.
The other thing is sim update 11, a non optional (so automatically installed) update featuring bug fixes, improvements and additional features (like the helicopter flight model). Both will release the same time public but it’s basically two different things 
Thanks for the clarification over the 2 different things
So the 40th anniversary is an optional download in the content manager ( where the world updates are ) and SU11 is the mandatory update you get when you switch the Xbox on and before you start the game
The aircraft-yes. The airports and activities-no. They come automatic with the update.
My internet connection is already cowering in the corner, just thinking about how heavy the demand is going to be…those MS servers are going to be working extra hard that day.
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What bugs will be fixed in the final release of SU11 (Sim Update 11) is something we will see. What the 40th Anniversary Update is, is basically a content update with new aircraft, helicopters, gliders and activities.
Both the 40th Anniversary Update and SU11 will be free and mandatory for everyone, on every platform (Xbox, Steam, Windows Store, Game Pass). The updates happen automatically as you turn the Xbox on, it finds the update and downloads/installs it.
When you start the sim, it may also update content in-game, it will be useful to go into Content Manager and update everything that can be.
Whether SU11 (the “bug fixing update”) and the 40th Anniversary (the “content update”) arrives on the same day is not 100%, but it has a high chance. November 11, 10 AM PST.
Nope, it’s a total mystery to everybody. /s
The anniversary edition update is a content update, along the lines of a world update (WU) but also adding several new aircraft. Content updates virtually never resolve bugs or add functionality; they are not intended to do so.
Bug fixes and new features come in sim updates (SU), and the anniversary edition will release either simultaneously with or very close to SU11.
Personal Comments
I wait a day or so to see how the update shakes out. It’s always a good thing to monitor the forum and see what trends and workarounds are happening with first-wave installers. That way you have the least amount of surprises, and you’re not fighting the rush on the server capacity.
Thank heaven for Early Adopters! -Redee
Will there be manuals for all the new great aircraft coming with this update?
Almost certainly not. I’d be shocked if there was.
The 40th Anniversary Edition is released! Click here for the Official Discussions: Official Feedback - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums