Flight sim updates

Does anyone know why we are getting updates all the time for flight sim on series x

Why must we have mandatory updates - what do they do on the game

I know the world updates are optional for scenery but even with only 1 game installed on series x and already used 30 % space

This is a major concern as I can see myself running out of space at some point.

I hope the updates stop on flight sim for this reason of storage space issues - does anyone know when sim updates will stop ?

That still leaves you about 500gb (at least). Software is updated all the time. Previous sims and games are constantly updated. At some point we all run out of storage. You upgrade or expand it. It’s always been the way. If you have nothing else installed, even with all of the world updates, you’re likely to be good for at least a couple of years, if not more. If you want to install other games, you may need to buy a storage expansion card sooner.

Topic moved into General Discussion. The #msfs:screenshots-world-discovery category is for posting of screenshots of flightings in MSFS.

Series x currently showing as with only flight sim installed

558.2 GB free

30.4 % used up space

Might seem i have a lot of space but think I was on about 20 % fairly recently - so its being eaten up fast

Should be ok for now probably - as long as we dont get mega mandatory updates in the future

Will need to move the game to 2TB expansion disk at some point in the future - given the rate at which space is being eaten up

It doesn’t use it up as quickly as you think. I’ve used about 300Gb in almost 2 years including all WU and some addons.

That’s good news - looks like the mandatory updates overwrite existing files so the storage used does not go up quickly. The same is probably true of World updates - if for example USA gets an update - the old USA installed will be overwritten with the new files for the USA update

Think this is what happens with the updates ( probably )

The size of a series x is about 800 GB in total not 1TB

I wonder whether flight sim will eventually max out at say 500 GB or so ?

I don’t know what is in the eyes of the developers here - will they continue to update the game forever OR will there eventually be a brand new flight sim game that has all the features as a one off download - which will reduce the need for continous updates hopefully

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Mandatory updates sometimes do indeed overwrite existing files, but also they implement some new.

I have some world updates (USA, England, Spain, etc.) on my desktop and each of those do need space somewhere between 5 and 15 GB on my harddisk. Add on airfields and planes also need space and after 2 years from the 900 GB on my harddisk, 500 GB is in use by MSFS and corresponding add ons.

So, no, I do not think the flight simulater will max out to 500 GB.
As said before, every add on airport, plane, and world update will need space. It is up to you to decide how much space you want to use and to what (scenery or planes). Developers will continue to make new add ons. So choose wisely or buy a big external harddrive.

The only external drive available that will support flight sim is the only that slots in the back - not USB - seagate 1 or 2TB

I have read once that the updates are mandatory because of the cloud structure of the game. The servers expect to have all clients the same version of the sim.

I hope Seagate 1TB or 2TB is enough for expansion card when internal storage starts to run low on series x

Updates for Flight Simulator on Xbox Series X are important for maintaining the game’s stability, fixing bugs, and improving performance. Some updates may also add new features or content to the game.

As for when updates will stop, it’s difficult to say as the game is still relatively new and there may be ongoing development and support for it. However, the developers are aware of the storage space issue and have implemented some measures to help reduce the size of the game. For example, they have released a patch that reduces the size of the game by around 25-30GB.

If you’re concerned about running out of space, you can consider adding an external hard drive to your Xbox Series X to store Flight Simulator and other games. This will give you more space and allow you to keep the game updated without worrying about running out of storage.

The only solution is a 1 or 2TB seagate espansion card that slots in the back ( not USB connection ). It is high velocity and SSD

A 2TB expansion card is £354 so is very expensive - but could well be worth it I think

You can get external drives bigger than 2TB that have USB connection but think they are for older X box games - as flight sim would not run well off this type of drive

it almost looks as if someone wanting to use a console for MSFS may need another one for all their other games and DLC.
I doubt many ‘gamers’ who opted in to try MSFS on their xbox’s could have or would have thought that was a possibility.
for the price of TWO consoles I imagine a feller could buy one pretty decent PC and run all of their entertainment software with plenty of headroom.
When you add the eventual storage problem to the existing problems of trying to MSFS on an xbox it looks to have been a bit of a reach for MS to have even tried the console route at all. I wonder if anyone tried to tell them that at the outset - lol

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Maybe they should split it up. Prior to Xbox being merged with PC the sim was on a better path, ran and looked better. Why does it need to be one big connected system? A lot of other applications split versions between pc and console.

There are enough pc players for me to fly with. I’m sure there are a lot of Xbox players for their own version of the sim. There shouldn’t be any compromises put on the software so it can run on a gaming console. Don’t get me wrong I have a series x and I play games on it regularly. But I don’t sim on it. It’s a gaming console for playing games…

Lots of people spend thousands of dollars on high end rigs (I did) to run this sim at high settings. It should be optimized for PC. I feel like Asobo has a hard road ahead with just one platform let alone two combined.

Just split up the servers and make the sim run great on the pc. No worries about matching versions. We can easily roll back when the update doesn’t work correctly. They can dumb it down on the console for the casual game players.

Over many years of PC titles ported over to consoles, they reduce the quality of the software so it runs on lesser hardware. The 2 version don’t effect each other that way. This would probably improve the server speeds for PC as well. Less traffic without all the gamers logged on.

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