Released on June 18, 2024
Woo hoo! My home airport finally done right…so excited.
Hopefully with GSX profile too
Anyone have updates on this project?
There seems to be no update in 2 months and there’s also no hype. Is the project still alive?
Any word on possible release or in beta testing!? Been anxiously waiting for this drop, quality and work looks amazing!!
In case you missed it, recently updated on FlightBeam website:
Fresh Previews of KSFO: Captain’s Edition
Greetings Captains!
I don’t think there is a day that goes by without an email or message asking about KSFO. I really appreciate the huge amount of interest. I know there are some deadlines that have been missed… however this is for a good reason. To acquire the title of “Captain’s Edition”, a Flightbeam product must sit high above previous releases in terms of visual complexity, quality and performance. This takes time, a lot of it, especially with an airport of this size with all of its nuances. I can assure you without a doubt, those waiting for KSFO: CE will not be disappointed.
This past week another milestone has been reached and the product is inching closer and closer to completion, which should happen before summer. Achieving this milestone allows me to share with you some shots of International Terminal A and its surroundings.
As we slowly approach release, more previews will be shared other other terminals. All of which have been completely revamped from the inside out.
He did comment on discord he can see the end of light finally on SFO:CE so yiu can read into that
Looks good, hopefully performance is as good as KDEN. I was really hoping they’d do KPHX next since there isnt even a good default one, so hopefully now it’s next.
Per a post on the Flightbeam Discord, the developer says, “ Hi gents. Surprise, it’s release day product page is live. We’re hoping to release the kraken later today (PST time).”
$19.99, available “soon.”
Yea, it says “available now” at the end of the video so figured it was coming in short order.
FYI, Mir posted later on Discord that this is not the official trailer, just a tester’s cinematic demo. He’ll be releasing his official trailer later. Sounds like something he plans to do about the time the store link goes live.
I saw the first Air Canada plane and thought nice, some AC representation, then the second one in the go around…
Cheeky guy!
“Where’s this guy goin? He’s on the taxiway”
For anyone interested.
R E L E A S E T H E K R A K E N, M I R !
Well my €10 voucher for Contrail couldn’t have come at a better time!
Looks really good. KMSP felt rushed, and no doubt BMW/Amsim threatening to release their version didn’t help. My only issue with FB is that updates are incredibly slow — one for KMSP was touted two weeks after release but now, many months down the line… nothing.
Looks like KSFO has a decent interior and terminal landside — both firsts for FB if so. Apparently their ‘Captain’s Edition’ is a new line featuring the very highest level of detail and performance.
Still not quite out yet but Contrail put up an interesting comparison of the BMW/AmSim KSFO to Flightbeam’s rendition, complete with sliders for direct comparison of each image:
Interesting slider visual. Overall imo BMWorld did it better. However FB wins for interiors, cargo and vsdg
Now waiting for options to appear on Xbox
BMWorld looks allot more washed out in most areas imho.
You also have 2 very different layouts. In some of the sliders there’s a wall and in the other version there isn’t.
Not sure who’s right
Flightbeam also appears to have VDGS.
Available now from Contrail and on the Flightbeam webstore.