Let’s review one of the best popular and exclusive feature of FlightControlReplay : PlayAsAI.
Yes, you can replay your flight and simulate formation flying !
Apply your flight path to AI aircraft beside yours, setup the offset and angle from your position in just seconds, very easy to understand user interface.
The standard options of replay remain available in this mode : change simulation rate, choose exactly when the AI traffic can start the flight.
Currently, 4 AI aircraft for each FlightControlReplay instance are visible, so you can multiplicate the AI companions with more software intances simultaneously.
With the next update in June, each FCR instance will be able to manage up to 5 AI aircraft, and it’s infinite with more FCR instances.
Now some relaxing and fresh videos that take advantage of FlightControlReplay unique power features :
FlyKenku Youtuber
A320 Neo Takeoff in thunderstorm at Bangkok 4K
Blu Games Youtuber
Axonos Perth YPPH for MSFS review :