FlightControlReplay V5 for MSFS

Hi I have been using your app and really love it. I never got to use the 4.5 as I had some issues with it, but after many reviews here, I upgraded to version 5, and thank you so much for the price consideration for previous owners. That was a sensible move.

Now I have a couple of questions:

  • In the sample rate options, which one gives you the smoothest replay? Let’s say I have a very good GPU to handle it (I have the ROG Strix RTX 4090 OC) and I don’t care about file size. So if I want the smoothest stutter-free replay, which should I choose? every 1 sec, 6 per second, every 4 seconds or custom fps (I’m thinking 60 fps since I have my sim locked at 60 fps)?

  • I’ve noticed while flying the Cessna Citation Longitude, that in the replay, the reversers don’t deploy. They try to, but do not. Also, the Longitude has a steering tiller just like airliners do, and I have noticed that the steering tiller function is not yet supported so if I steer the aircraft with the tiller, the nosewheel swivel is not animated during replay, making it seem like the wheel is skidding. But if Steer with the rudder pedals, then the wheel swivel is animated. This is also true for PMDG aircraft. I haven’t tried it on the airbus yet, so I can’t tell. It would be great if you can enable the steering tiller animation, that way we won’t be forced to steer on the ground with the rudder pedals.

Thanks a lot for your time.