After playing around with the MS Vision Jet in FS2024, I decided to buy the FlightFX version available through the FS2020 Market place with the thought of importing it into the new sim. I’ve purchased and installed it into FS2020, however in 2024 it shows up in “My Library” as “Installed” with the note that I need to “restart sim”. I’ve restarted the sim probably 25 times already along with a reboot of the computer and it still says I need to “restart sim”. My other 2020 aircraft show up in the new sim. I’m at my wits end with this. Anyone have any ideas?
It’s likely your Content.xml file is showing one or more entries of the Jet but not activated. Edit the line if you find it and set it as enabled.
This is not a documented bug but probably a side effect of the Marketplace being down and provisioning occurring in this one off basis.
I assume that would be in the 2020 folder structure?
Thanks for the quick response!
Moved to User Support Hub as the OP is requesting assistance from the community.
No, if you want it to appear in 2024, you need to locate the 2024 Content.xml.
Can you give me an idea of where I can find that xml?
OK. I think I found the files. There appears to be about 40 entries for it…some are “activated”, some indicate “UserDisabled” for some reason?
I deleted all the entries save for one, and made that “Activated”. I’ll see in the morning if that was the solution.
No guarantees, but this workaround has been effective for a lot of cases.
If you own it in 2020 all you need to do in 2024 is go to Market Place > Library. You will find it there and it will be deactivated. Activate it then restart the sim and you are good to go. The same applies to a lot of 2020 addons you own but be aware that some may cause problems in 2024.
The Vision Jet FX Version works just fine in 2024. I would not advise mucking around with the file system unless you are quite certain about what you are doing.
I discovered that I had copied the Vision Jet file into the 2024 community folder (mucking about ) …thus it showed up as “Installed”, but I still couldn’t fly it. I deleted the file in the FS2024 Community folder, uninstalled it in FS2020, rebooted, reinstalled through 2020 and then it showed up as “Streaming” in 20204.
I very much appreciate everyone’s help with this!