today I was planning a flight from Boston to Toronto on the Worldmap. (trying to get used to that method before simbrief gets cut off from my CJ4 later this month).
It suggested FL440 ? Now I know the general rule is east=odd, west =even. But I believe FL440 does not exist. Is this a bug?
Actually it does exist. Without looking into the specs, not sure the CJ4 can eventually climb there as fuel burns off, but it might. In the U.S., controlled airspace goes up to FL600, and (somewhat strangely) it’s uncontrolled above that! Years ago, controlled airspace went up to FL500, but was moved up when they anticipated the Concorde, and possibly others routinely cruising above FL500.
Above FL390 flightlevels climb in increments of 2000 ( i.e. FL410 east, FL430 west and so on)
RVSM its called. not sure.
The CJ4 climbs to FL 450 btw
Maybe post in the official Navigraph Simbrief forum and ask. SimBrief - Navigraph
Just to clarify somethings, RVSM is actually 1000’ separation between FL290 and 410, but requires specific training and equipment requirements. Above 410, normally commercial and private traffic will only be authorized flight levels separated by 2000’.
I guess I misread the question by whether such a level exists, rather than whether it can/will be assigned to commercial/private traffic. In any case, yea, you shouldn’t be assigned it in the sim. Just wish that was the worst thing the current in-sim ATC does!
It’s 1000 feet separation between flightlevels up to 290. Odd flight level is chosen if your magnetic track is between 000-179 degres and even level if track is 180-359 degrees.
Above FL290 it’s a bit different. Then there is 2.000 feet difference between flightlevels, unless aircraft is RVSM (Reduced Vertical Separation Minima) certified, in that case it’s 1.000 feet, up to FL410. Above 410 it’s 2.000 feet separation for both RVSM certified aircraft and non-RVSM aircraft.
Levels above 410 is 430, 450, 470 and so on.
FL440 is not valid.
Flight levels have nothing to do with whether aircraft will be assigned to fly at that altitude. The official definitions are
”FLIGHT LEVEL- A level of constant atmospheric pressure related to a reference datum of 29.92 inches of mercury. Each is stated in three digits that represent hundreds of feet. For example, flight level (FL) 250 represents a barometric altimeter indication of 25,000 feet; FL 255, an indication of 25,500 feet.
FLIGHT LEVEL [ICAO]- A surface of constant atmospheric pressure which is related to a specific pressure datum, 1013.2 hPa (1013.2 mb), and is separated from other such surfaces by specific pressure intervals.
Note 1: A pressure type altimeter calibrated in accordance with the standard atmosphere:
a. When set to a QNH altimeter setting, will indicate altitude;
b. When set to a QFE altimeter setting, will indicate height above the QFE reference datum; and
c. When set to a pressure of 1013.2 hPa
(1013.2 mb), may be used to indicate flight levels.
Note 2: The terms height' and
altitude,’ used in Note 1 above, indicate altimetric rather than geometric heights and altitudes.”
Even their example shows that. You’ll never be assigned FL 255, but it does define how to report what altitude you’re passing through.
You can import the simbrief plan into MSFS flight planner, why do you say it gets “cut off” from CJ4?
the point was that ATC should not assign FL440 nor should the flightplanner suggest it.
yes you can, but apparently that stops with SU12
Where was that stated? if that stops with SU12, it means a general stop of importing .pln files into the sim, for any planes. I find that hard to believe.
check out: community support/aircraft & avionics/cj4
there are a few posts… “pls bring back simbrief import” is just one
I am in the avionics beta, and I just flew with CJ4 from LSZH to LFML with an imported plan from simbrief to the sim’s planner. It was automatically added to the plane’s MCDU. There seems to be some misunderstanding here.
yeah 440 shouldn’t be provided in a dispatch. It’s a valid flightlevel although non normal. You may request it and be cleared for it but nobody will assign it to you as a default.
Yes, the issue is that WT has removed the direct import of SimBrief plans into CJ4 for some reason or another. This has nothing to do with importing SB plans generally into the sim, that will not stop working.
Alright, if I am reading this correctly, there is nothing much that can be done at the moment. WT cannot implement the Simbrief import, because they are working directly on the stock plane and not on an external mod, as it used to be. Hence they cannot use Navigraph API anymore.
Actuially, it stops with AAU I coming later this month, not SU12 coming later this quarter.
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