FlightSim World Tour glider training

Today I’ve flied (and recorded) the first two steps of the new glider training of SU11. I’ll make a series of it (and probably a glider only playlist). The first upload of this is a short of the second step (winch takeoff):

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The first part of the above-mentioned glider training is on YouTube! (It’s already somedays there, but I was sick and could not write about it here. Right now, I’m finally editing the second part – my three tries until I succeeded on the winched take off.)

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And here it is the 2nd glider lesson – all my 3 attempts. I have found absolutely no difference on the winch sound, and so I decided to disconnect the cable at the top of climb. Has anyone had the same issue?

(I tried to publish it almost one month ago, but had a problem with YouTube.)

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Today I published a short video of glider training #3. The landing part, from the end of the downwind leg to complete stop, condensed in less then 1 minute:

PS: The full video is already scheduled to Thursday 12:00 GMT.

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NEW VIDEO: Glider training #3: towline break

The full video of the third step of the glider training in MSFS! This time a towline break is simulated and the player has to land safely at the airport, adequately managing the airplane energy – gliders are kind off “emergency only” aircraft, since they lack engines. Beware that the MSFS instructor does not tell you when to drop the ballast and does not warn you of the obstacles near the runway. In my attempt, I should have dropped the ballast at the downwind leg, in order not to arrive so fast at the runway and touch it earlier.

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A slipping glider on final is one of the most exciting experiences I’ve had on real life. The enormous effort to lose energy is felt in every possible way: the sound of the air flowing around the airbrakes, the movements of yaw and accelerated descending, the perception of slipping in that tense moment of flight. It’s wonderful!

I’ve made this YouTube shorts so that you could appreciate at least visually the beauty of it:

This is the landing at lesson 5 of MSFS glider training.