Floaters, AI, missing info and more

Ok. So I have posted some of this in bug reports. Filed tickets with Asobo. But it seems that while MANY seem to have the same issues, almost no one apparently actually reads the BUG section of the forums. But it seems that most people actually look here so I am posting this here for reaction and either confirmation or rebuttal…

  1. I have landed at 11 airports over the last 2 days. Just flying around anywhere… At EVERY airport the tubeliners were all floating in the air while parked. See pics!!

  2. I flew into Honolulu PHNL. Some (real traffic was on) airplanes would land no problem (except they STOP in like 500 feet or less!!!) MANY would do go-arounds with no reason at all. I mean it was like listening to a recording on ATC. United 139 please expedite your climb to 7000. Then 5 minutes later: Delta 1103 please expedite your climb to 7000. Then 5 minutes later: JAL 71 please expedite your climb to 7000.

  3. I took off (was in a floatplane) did a circuit then decided to land on Water 4 at PHNL. I did. Taxied back and drove up onto a taxiway. While sitting there deciding what I would do next I noticed what I thought was a plane (A320) going down behind the buildings on the edge of the water. I drove over there real quick and saw said A320 taxing on the water. I turned the ATC back on and listened as planes were now getting clearance to all land on Water 4. This was insane!!!

  4. Planes where they should NOT be. You probably won’t ever see a JAL 737 in Cincinnati, Ohio USA. I have (in the sim.) LOL This is the case all over the world. 737’s and A320’s 16,000 miles from where they should be. I mean, I guess we can say they all flew up across the Aleutians to Alaska and then down…but I’m guessing this simply shouldn’t be! NOT that this is super important…but hopefully, it will be fixed at some point. By Asobo or a 3rd party traffic app.

Irkutsk, Siberia, Russia - Floaters

Honolulu - Floaters & WAY far from home…

These 2 are from KCVG (Cincinnati, Ohio USA) and are floating and also very very far from home.


This is showing where I entered my Registration info into the sim. As soon as I click OK it’s gone. I could do this as a video if anyone doubts this is real…but really??? :slight_smile:


Two questions for you:

  1. Are you new to this game?
  2. Have you searched the forums before making this long and detailed post? (if you did, you might have saved yourself some time and aggravation)

In regards to your post:

  1. You’re using unsupported models for Ai (going to guess IVAO)- if you did any searches of the forums you would have seen multiple posts on these causing issues (the game no longer properly supports converted models and can cause CTDs).
  2. Ai traffic in this game is broken (I would say has been more and more broken with each update) - a search will have also revealed many issues beyond the contact points (which is one cause of floating), failure for planes to taxi or take off (or even being invisible even if they show up on the map).
  3. Related to #1 and #2 above, ATC is also broken in regards to Ai traffic, especially as it relates to altitudes (it reads Ai data wrong) as you are experiencing
  4. Why do you think the game knows what planes are supposed to be where on the ground? Flightware, the data source this game uses, doesn’t support ground movements (certainly not historic placements even before the fact that the game needs to have working parking codes to determine which airlines go to which terminal)
  5. PHNL as an airport is broken and really needs to be redone so not surprised you’re seeing weird things (certain not surprised given the poor state of Ai currently)
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Been flying sims since early 80’s. Bought this game on day 5. With the exception of a few months I had to take off recently I have flown it constantly with many streams and vids under my belt. I am sick and tired of searching for ■■■■ only to read posts that have nothing to do with what I am talking about. Thus, I don’t do that anymore. You need not reply if replying over and over to the same issues upsets you. In all my years of using and running forums (and that is well over 30 years) I have NEVER ONCE told someone that they shouldn’t ask a question rather they should have looked up the answer themselves. If I was tired of answering it I would simply share a link with them giving them the answer they were looking for. Maybe even to one of my own answers on the same question. But hey, hope you enjoyed your post. :slight_smile:

I enjoyed the answers you gave me and thank you much for them. Take your questions and … have a great day!!! :slight_smile:


PS: I know ATC is broken. It’s been broken since day one. Only currently, it seems to be way worse than it was. The AI didn’t use to be as bad as it is now. So yea, you nailed that one…worse with every update. As far as the sim knowing where planes SHOULD be…Um… yeah, it absoultely should know. I mean, if 3rd party traffic creators have been able to do this with their add-ons for FS2004, FSX, P3D, etc…then explain to me, please, how a multi billion $ company can’t incorporate that information into the base software that these others add-on to???

But again, I am posting this so that others have a simple place to find this info. And to ■■■■■ about the same things if they so wish. And finally, since I didn’t feel like posting all my complaints to many places (I actually HAVE, btw on quite a few forums, not just MS’s) I put them all here. In one post.


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