Flusi selbstständig gelöscht?

Hallo, ich habe da mal eine Frage. Beim Start des Flusi 2020 wurde ein ubdate angekündigt. Beim Bestätigen flog ich kurzer Zeit später aus dem Spiel und landete auf der Micosoft Starseite. Das Spiel war anschließend auf meiner SSD Festplatte nicht mehr auffindbar. Beim Starten wurde ich immer auf die Homepage geleitet. Festplatte ist drei Monate alt und scheint nicht defekt zu sein.

First: The rule in this forum is to communicate in english - I hope you will adhere to that here after.

Sorry i have no information to help you with the ‘game disappearing’ as it seems to do for you. Have you looked around and searched the forum to find any help? I have seen lots of posts that somehow looks like the problem you have. Even if i have a bit hard to understand what you actually are saying.

Welcome to the forums. As already mentioned the official language of the forum is English. We appreciate that for many members this is not their first language. However to ensure the widest participation please use English, There are online translator which, while not perfect, are a big help


It’s sad when you make such a stressful situation with the mass of German users in the community when they answer or ask questions in German, if this is so problematic for the English-speaking users, it would be a simple, German area to integrate in the forum, not everyone speaks English well and the translations of google and co are sometimes a disaster

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hab schon öfters davon gehört aber leider keine Lösung dafür, da hilft wohl nur noch neu installieren

I’ve heard of it several times but unfortunately no solution, the only thing that helps is reinstallation