Flybywire A320 Altitude Prediction (Banana) Indicator

Hello there! I want to know that if the indicator will be implemented or? I really like altitude prediction thing. Just curious. Thanks!

You mean? The little arrow on the route in ND?

Yea the green line i meant. It’s position changed everytime according to the actual vertical speed and air speed. It shows the target altitude. * Altitude Range Arc (ARA) [Green banana]


I’m not sure if this is an A320 feature. And if it’s not there IRL, it won’t be in the A32NX.

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That’s a Boeing feature. The “Boeing Banana”… it’s not an Airbus thing at all.

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What addon is that shot from? Its not from MSFS or is it just a real ND from a 7X7?

Thank you Jeremey. :slight_smile: So that’s why there is no such a thing in A320. I’ve seen it implemented to A330 which is also addon aircraft made by Projectmegapack. I thought maybe there is also for A320. But now all clear.

I’ve googled it just for visual example of the thing. It’s not from MSFS.

So if the green banana is a Boeing feature, what does the Airbus has to determine the expected achieved altitude? It is such a useful feature when you what to be at a certain altitude in certain waypoints…


A lot of the airbus stuff is not implemented in the either the mod or the default.

I think this page says a lot too about descent in general:

Full doc:

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We’re still working on a accurate VNAV. Once this is implemented, we can implenemt the different arrows (that’s what I thought of in my first answer). On climb there is an arrow on the route already (for reaching chosen alt). But everything else is still in the works.


Yeah, airbus use the arrows for climb and descent markers, not the banana.