i found that after the patch 2, my A32NX mod from FBW guys actually crashed my sim, took it out and now the sim works fine…!
performance has increased by 10-15fps, which on high end settings is great but i miss the A32NX mod, anyone know if those boys from FBW are updating their mod to reflect this latest MSFS patch,…?
Same here, it stopped working after the patch and I had to remove from community folder. I believe they need to adapt it for the recent patch.
Btw, did you have the problem with A32NX with the left engine stops on taxi? I had this, I removed A32NX but did not have time to check again.
It p****d me off that did It was a good mod
on two occasions, i had
a…ext power light on, but no batts/fuel lights, Adirs worked, as well as smoking/seat belt etc but no sounds
b…all displays screens out, no apu access, tried ctrl E engines spooled up but then sim CTD…!
Removed A32NX and sim back up worked fine…!
hopefully the boys at FBW will see these comments and adjust their MOD, i do hope the crew at MSFS2020 advise these third party devs when they plan to release patches as it gives the boys a chance to check their mods for compatibility…it also stops our guess work and from filling up the forums saying the pacth etc is broken when its a mod that unfortunately jams the process, which if they have not been shared with by msfs makes them look silly, we all love this A320 mod and the great work done by FBW, so keep up the great work FBW,
yes i did , drove me nuts
Perhaps this is related as well, I’ll notice on landing the elevators are lagging or less responsive thus causing the aircraft to dip (and not pull out of descent before landing hard).
I have the dev version and it works as it should, I’ve completed a full take off yesterday after the patch.
After the first and second game launch after the patch it did not work but then it did. Many people had issues with installed mods after restart and it needed a couple to make it work.
Go to Github, download the version you see there clicking on the CODE button and download zip, then get only A32NX folder from the zip and copy it in your Community folder. Being e dev version, it could be not fully functional, as the release one (i.e. there are new buttons and switches partially working, Take Off Check page in the MCDU that I love), however it works and it even have some new features implemented they are working on right now.
This is the one and only MOD that I keep updated very often from the DEV branch to test it.
They have not updated this since patch release. The last commit on the dev branch was 21 hrs ago before the patch came out.
Their issue tracker shows they are working on it but nothing has been updated as of yet so it will likely have issues.
It does not work as it should and has a lot of broken code right now. They are likely going to need a few days to sort it. Evidently the patch made some aspects a bit more difficult to work with.
You could be absolutely right, I did not make e deep test, however I was able to make a full take off check list, including ADIRS, APU, and everything. That said it did not crash my sim, and the take off went well, assuming you leave the APU on, to prevent the Engine 1 shut down issue. Looking forward to their new updates. Thanks
i have now removed mdfs2020 and now going back the arduous task of complete new install…!..extreme maybe but i also noticed that the font on the homepages UI is also very poor quality, i have tried 4k down to 1080 and its still poor, so as i did with the last patch, full install…see you all next year…! lol
It’s not fair to call it a bad mod because of this. They have NO advance warning of which changes Asobo are going to make, and there’s literally no official support for modifying planes. They haven’t even gotten a simple e-mail answer on whether the mod is allowed to exist whatsoever!
See this thread: FlyByWire A32NX developer complaining about the sad state of the developer / third-party experience
My A32NX seems fine after the patch…
I of course, removed everything in my community folder before I do the official patch. Once I’m done with all the patch and everything seems stable. That’s when I reinstall my mods back into the community patch. The A32NX mod included.
Then I can just fly as well as before, better even now that the Asobo’s base A320 introduces some new fix like higher quality texture in the cockpit and the AP 1 + 2. With the A32NX combined, it now shows Cat 3. DUAL instead of SINGLE on a single AP mode.
I’ve flown hours on the A320 with the A32NX mod after the patch, I got it from departure, full IFR, even ILS Cat 3. Auto-landing at the destination.
the only issue I got was the engine 1 cutoff, but it’s solvable by having the APU running. Otherwise, it’s flying as well as it was before… even better…
I agree, same here, thanks
The only thing I find daunting with the A32NX is that the checklist is so massive…
I know that’s the real checklist and all, and if you want to be realistic you have to do them and check them one by one…
But eventually, I got tired of them, and I just memorise the absolute essential things that I need to do.
- Battery ON.
- External Power ON.
- APU Master Switch ON.
- APU Starter ON.
- APU Bleed ON.
- ADIRS set to NAV.
That’s it, then I proceed with starting the engine, get clearance and off I go… Hahaha
Same problem and I removed A32NX and engine stopped on pushback.
This is not A32NX issue. This is the official patch issue. Just keep the APU and APU bleed running without turning it off, and your engine should be running fine. At least until they fix the issue.
point noted, i shall wait for this to re install ( already been 3 hours with 33.20gb installed lol ) and i shall try your notes,
many thanks
Yeah a lot of things broke with the hotfix asobo may realease soon a lot of issues will be ironed out and the engine problem will be corrected.
As for the rest of the functionality, the devs are working as hard as they can to solve a lot of problems
Well, for me the mod isn’t working. With the mod installed, I have no battery power, and can’t turn them on. It works fine with the mod removed.