FlyByWire A32NX on XBOX

This would be true if there signs that point to this. But there really aren’t. So I gotta disagree with you here. The benefits of coming to Xbox greatly outweighs the small marketplace problems. Think about it, there’s no way to pirate products on Xbox. The profit potential is incredibly high as Xbox is more accessible. All of this comes from a business point of view. As stated, Aerosoft had made itself committed and says it’s making a lot of adjustments to the CRJ for Xbox, meanwhile the PMDG DC-6 will be coming to marketplace and PMDG even said the DC-6 will come to Xbox.

It just depends on whether developers like money, or hate money. So far JF, Carenado, ORBX, DC DESIGNS, CS etc. have shown they like money.


Every update costs money for the developer. For the main Xbox store the fee is about 1000 dollars , not sure what MS charges for the Marketplace.

I guess Aerosoft are not serious……

Quote from Mathijs Kok: " Recently I did a presentation about the XBox as a platform for Flight Simulator. I will attach a PDF version of that. It should be clear that we DO see XBox as a viable platform for pretty hardcore simming. "


Don’t worries… when all the developers are going to see all the sales made by the first complex airplane add-on on XBOX… money will talk and they will join the XBOX bandwagon!

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mind defining “study level”? :thinking:

On the other hand the Xbox is for people on a budget, it has limitations but it’s affordable.

If you can spend thousands on add-ons you can afford a PC too.

If i had an Xbox now and a lot of money i would buy a PC first and then the add-ons for it.

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Yeah I have to chime in here too. I’ve got a series x console and a high end gaming pc. I built the gaming pc after I got my series x as ive always loved pc’s

I have downloaded the sim to my xbox, and whilst it is impressive, the immersion just isn’t there for me. My gaming pc wipes the floor with my series x and is far superior to use msfs. Ive got the the thrustmaster airbus tca pack plus the gear/flaps addons and it really is an experience to behold.

So whilst I’m not against study level aircraft like the fbwa32nx going over to the xbox, I think the key factor here is, it really is just a games console, and I doubt it’s worth going over the effort to port study level aircraft to a games console.

Like I say, my xbox series x is impressive for the hardware, but it doesn’t remotely touch my pc, and for that matter my series x has sat collecting dust for months


I honestly believe both of you are correct and both have very valid points. Serious developers will consider XBOX if they are serious about making money.

It is a fact though that XBOX has limitations. Some of these developers like Aerosoft are willing to make something that can work and satisfy both platforms. Some others may not for various reasons. Yet maybe some others may make two versions of a release, a regular version for PC that can take advantage of running code outside the base game and another “Lite” version that doesn’t do that.

IDK how it will all shake out but both sides of this argument has very valid points. There is no reason to go to war with the other side over this issue.

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I sure hope MS is not charging 3rd parties fees to update their products after SU and WU bugs that are breaking some of these products. I can see a fee for those that just choose to update on a stable platform but not in this situation. The platform is constantly changing and its like hitting a moving target. Fees for updates due to these changes will surely make 3rd parties think even harder to not want and release for the Marketplace.

Sorry if I wasn’t clear enough. By “viable” I didn’t mean financially, of course Xbox players have money - although the sim community is arguably much bigger on PC. What I meant mostly is the technical limitations and requirements for both console and the marketplace. More performance optimization is needed on the developers’ part, there are certain technologies that aren’t allowed on the marketplace (FBW could go into details on this one), and whenever Asobo updates the sim, things break and they have to update their products all the time. Many developers don’t have resources for such support in the long term, so they skip the smaller market and concentrate on PC instead in their own stores and websites and whatnot. MSFS Marketplace + console release requires much more work from many of them.

Edit: I found it, here’s FBW’s reasoning: FlyByWire, MSFS Marketplace and Xbox - FlyByWire Simulations

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Fênix has already formally said that he also has no plans to launch his A320 on the XBOX.

Hey there autey111, something I wanted to give my opinion about here, the issue with having 2 versions that flybywire has also stated as one of their reasons for removing the a32nx from marketplace was because of the troubles that it would bring towards developers such as having to update two separate code bases every time a new update comes out. It’d be extremely frustrating to deal with if they don’t have a lot of developers also considering other factors but maybe this would work for a company.

I think that you are definitely right. A lot of developers would not take this approach. Each 3rd party developer will have to determine whether this approach will be the right way for them to move. Honestly it will all come down to whether it is monetarily feasible for them to do whatever they choose to do. Money will dictate what they choose to do.

There are other factors too.
Who would buy the paid Marketplace trash (BREDOK3D and Capitainsim) if we had a complete and free aircraft like the A32NX? These guys are not fools. They want to sell us this garbage as BREDOK3D and CAPITAIMSIM. I don’t see much future for the FS2020 on the XBOX without good planes. Discouraged over here.


Well tbf, there isn’t a lot of options for payware on PC at the moment either. It’s just CRJ and PMDG, who are both hinting at Xbox versions. I think we gotta be patient and the time will come for Xbox at some point.


Fully agree.

@sidnov Hi Siddharth, just wondering would you ever re-explore the xbox option, if the marketplace situation develops to be more friendly or lets say that A32NX has reached a point of completion/stability that it doesn’t require to be updated so frequently.

Once the limiting factors are resolved (in-sim APIs, licensing, better standard update times), we would reconsider, but the chances as of now are close to none.


Is there a way we as consumers can help reduce these limiting factors for the future, or is this something completely out of our hands. Cheers.

Not really, we have a few wishlist items, a bunch of requests on the devsupport forums that are in line with some of the major add-on developers’ interests. So what would benefit us would also benefit many other freeware and payware add-on developers. All we can do currently is wait

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