Flying around the world - in alphabetical order

Country 5 - Angola

This was a long trip south. A little over 4,000 miles, all told. Through Spain, Morocco, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Togo, Benin, Equatorial Guinea… Through airports that were sometimes barely there and sometimes not there at all… Over desert and jungle… Through heat and thunderstorm…

You get the gist.

A particularly disconcerting moment was trying to land at Tourisme/Kenitra Air Base in Morocco, a few miles north of Rabat.

It’s there in the Bing imagery, but for some reason MSFS has put the actual airport a little further south, on what I think is just a road in the real world.

After that, there was…a lot of desert to cross before making for the south coast of Cote d’Ivoire

It’s worth saying how spectacular the desert landscapes in MSFS can look at times. I’m not sure the screenshots really do it justice.

Another airport that wasn’t quite there…DNES is Nigeria, I believe.

Anyway, after a stop off on the pretty interesting volcanic island of Bioko (part of Equatorial Guinea) it was just another few hundred miles down the coast to my two stopping points in Angola: FNKU Joaquim Kapango Airport and FNLZ Cuango-Luzamba Airport, known, apparently, for its ‘uncovered wrecks’!

With Angola duly visited, next on my list is the Caribbean state of Antigua and Barbuda, followed by Argentina. So this is going to involve crossing the Atlantic… Traditionally in a plane like the Arrow, this involves heading all the way north to Iceland and Greenland…

But hang on a minute lads, I’ve got a great idea…