FlyingIron B-17



+1 for this! I spent years talking (posting?) myself blue in the face on the A2A forums, asking for a civilianized visual model for SAR and some of those other postwar applications.

Clearly a big ask and probably too much for FI to take on if extensive modifications are required. But an option to toggle the armaments might be enough if repainters are up for it. Wouldn’t capture every detail but an SAR paint would be nice even without the boat.

Lobbying for the civilian options starts here! :sunglasses:

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No need to be rude. Everyone knows. They won’t be there unless MS changes their minds. Your guess is as good as anyone else’s when it comes to that. I’m going with “not gonna happen.”

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Did you know that the Fulton-equipped B-17 that saved 007 in the movie Thunderball had also flown the longest B-17 mission ever? - The Aviation Geek Club

…includes the clip from Thunderball - just scroll down the article
no extra pitot or Venturi tubes in evidence here at all - safe for children - don’t try this at home without an xBox


All of these would be wonderful to have in flightsim - but I think we all know FlyingIron specializes and excels at creating Warbirds. But that leaves a hangar door sized opening for Got Friends or another developer down the runway somewhere doesn’t it.

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That same aircraft also flew coastal patrol in Japan with a boat fitted, and was a borate bomber for a while too - 4483785. It recently was sold by Evergreen to Collings Foundation


who doesn’t love a good backstory! nice information -
I also hope folks will read the entire article I linked as there’s a bit about how the Fulton lift was actually used in a covert operation

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Well, there is historical precedent for the broomsticks! The Doolittle Raiders used them to simulate guns that they had removed for weight savings during their mission.

Not that his has any bearing on the current discussion and I certainly hope to see the real .50’s modeled but I thought it was funny when I saw your mention of broomsticks.


First and foremost, thanks all for the feedback and kind words, we cannot wait to bring this incredible aircraft to you!

I can’t make any promises until we get our hands on 2024, but we do have plans to make a firefighting variant! The coastal variant also sounds very interesting, and we can look into that one as well.

Regarding the guns on Xbox - we are not exempt from the rules, so no weapons will be allowed in the Marketplace version. If we can swap the guns out for something that gives a similar silhouette (without looking ridiculous), then we will.



Outstanding. I hope MS2024 turns out to be a winner, I’d love to see SAR and aerial firefighting simulation become a part of flightsimming - along with all the other careers they’ve depicted in the trailers. I could see FI being an integral part of that with their level of aircraft detail and dedication.


Any further updates on this project?

If there is, they’ll be on their Discord first. Kinda doubt it. With the mess MSFS 2024 is in right now, they’re probably on pause with it. That’s my guess anyway…

They have been quite since November. No official announcements on their Discord apart of a confirmation that they are updating their planes to FS2024.

The welcome update since then, though, is the change in Marketplace policy regarding visual weapons. The B-17 will be able to have proper guns vs broomsticks, etc.