So far, this is proving to be a great addon, and I’ve had some great flights,but I’m having issues.
- try as I may the Garmin GPS remains cold an dark. I checked that the Garmin is installed and up to date.
- why does the engine stop after landing and comming to a stop? Could this be due to closing the throttle?
- after shutdown and then trying to restart (without leaving the current flight) there is no electrics from battery/ground power etc, even though you can spin up the inertia system but no engine start.
- today, at the runway threshhold given permission to take off. Applied power but no movement from the plane. Ihad taxied to the runway so why?
- fuel valve is set to automatic so why when current tank empty the engine dies?1
maintenance on tablet showed all okay
I’ve been flying this bird for the last few days and not had one of your issues…. Sorry. As for the GPS what version are you using? Do you have the working title one installed? Or default?
As to the other items, I could not reproduce.
Hi Zeanuck,
I have all flyingiron’s great single engine WW2. First time I’ve had issues.
- The Working Title GPS is installed and up to date but the annoying thing is that to use the historic navigation you have to use the GPS to use it. Bit weird! I’m sure the pilot would have had the means to enter the VOR. It’s kind of a let down by Flyingiron, don’t you think. Not like them at all.
- I’m just not fully closing the throttle atm when landing.
- This issue is just bizarre. Ground power battery and gen all on but no electrics at all, except running inertia.
- Wll, this is just as bizarre
- It’s no big deal regarding the fuel valve, that can be manually switched, although, like the manual says, it’s meant to be automated, so the pilot can concentrate on combat. I’m sure the pilot doesn’t want to constantly switch tanks to maintain balance.
Just a note. I have not tried another plane since MSFS did that small update. I’ll see if the GPS works in those. If not, I will uninstall/reinstall the GPS
On a good note, flying this plane is awesome and that radial engine sound is the best!
EDIT: Just had a go in flyingirons bf109. The GPS works fine, so must be a problem specifically with the fw190 well, for me, anyway.