Flysimware Cessna 414A


Those are the two you would use…you are either in VS or SPD mode.

AP_VS_VAR_INC = AutoPilot Vertical Speed Variable Increment = increase ft/min= pitch up

AP_VS_VAR_DEC = AutoPilot Speed Variable Decrement = decrease speed = pitch up

I do Spad not AAOs.

Thank you, I use FSUIPC. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Are there also variables for the Mode Selector? I’m especially interested in the NAV button because triggering the standard sim event will not catch the glideslope in an ILS approach, it only engages the localizer.

That is because you need to send the APR command and prior to that have the correct freq tuned and be navigating by VOR and not GPS.

My GNS530 is on VLOC and I have the correct frequency tuned (otherwise it would not find the localizer). Everything works fine and GS is catched if I press NAV on the Mode Selector using the mouse.

So, you say, I need to trigger APR and then NAV? Triggering APR only doesn’t do anything.

I’m using the 400B:

I am not flying the GNS530 variant. I flyGTN750NXi.

However, Those are standard sim variables in order to catch GS, APR must be activated. So more than likely with the CDI in VLOC pressing NAV in the virtual cockpit is issuing AP_APR_HOLD.

Yes, that’s correct. If it’s pressed by mouse. If I trigger the standard sim variables only the localizer is catched and not the glideslope.

The VS can be manipulated in almost any autopilot by binding it to ALT ref increase/decrease buttons in the regular setup. Usually works fine once armed in the AP, even on the old Beech 18 Speery AP.

Yes, but on the 400B it’s not always reliable.

Send Al-ColoSpgs a DM in the Flysimware Discord and ask him to share his lua script with you. Easiest way to save you a ton of time.

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Anyway, you were right. Although the 400B has no APR button, triggering the APR standard event works, it engages NAV, the localizer and the glideslope. I had some glitches in my code when I first tried this.

Yes because that is what the C414 coding is doing in the background.

Ahh, so if NAV is pressed it finds out if the frequency is an ILS and triggers APR implicitely?

If you are in VLOC

If you are in GPS its gonna issue AP_NAV1_HOLD and fly the GPS route.

I see. I only fly old style using VORs and NDBs.

You should embrace technology. There have been advancements for a reason. :wink:

Flying Radio Nav is fun though.

You’re right of course. IRL I guess I would surely use GPS (I’m not a pilot, though).

Yes, you know for sure once you flew the LOC DME EAST approach to LOWI in bad weather.

I think flying VOR/NDB is today most challenging and the workload is crazy. But why not, if you like it so… that, surely makes you a better navigator than pilots that never used VOR or NDB for navigation.
you should, however start to dig into GNSS navigation, and use them both.

For example, a virtual pilot in General aviation will mostly never use VORs for RNAV backup, because it alway works in sim. But in reality a clever pilot will always crosscheck the GNSS position with VOR or put it in background in case GNSS malfunctioned.

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