Opened up this topic to shine some light on the hard work that’s being done on this project by flysimware.
Note: I am not the developer, just an interested enthusiast.
Opened up this topic to shine some light on the hard work that’s being done on this project by flysimware.
Note: I am not the developer, just an interested enthusiast.
Looks great! Hoping for a 403C one of these months… need some Cape Air action
Gorgeous. This looks like a labor of love. Is there any more info or a rough idea of a release date?
FLYSIMWARE Cessna 414A Chancellor Snippet 4 - YouTube Another snippet showing the glowing turbochargers!
I’m ready!
The cockpit is miles ahead of their offering in P3D. 1st day purchase for me!
Indeed! I never had their products in P3D but now for sure I am tempted…
Anyone know what version they’re modeling based on? RAM IV?
Looks great. Must admit I’m a little concerned I’ll end up like I did with FSX and P3D, though, where I end up with a hangar full of so many props that I have no chance of flying them all regulalry enough.
That’s how my prop collection are starting to look already for MSFS.
Haven’t touched the Bandeirante nor BN2 in months.
This may or may not help - I created a simple excel sheet that randomizes a DEP and ARR as well as which aircraft I need to fly, based on a list of aircraft I do not want to leave parked in the hangar. Adds a bit of variety and fun.
These glowing turbochargers are something absolutely new and exciting! Such details truly brings the plane alive. This will become a truly interesting twin prop.
Agree. Very detailed!
I just wish they had developed the wing tip tanks version. That is one of the things that make this line of twin Cessnas so distinctive. You can tell from a distance that there’s a twin Cessna coming.
Looks amazing. This might be a good stand-in for a Cape Air 402 which I have been patiently waiting for ever since this sim was released.
You have another buyer here. Well done and keep it up
Agreed on that. I know the reason they said they aren’t doing tip tanks is because the real-world aircraft they are modeling it on doesn’t have them, but I hope they reconsider adding tip tanks at least as an option, even if it’s just cosmetic and non-functional (though I don’t see why it couldn’t be made functional, unless they just didn’t want to deal with figuring out how the fuel transfer works.) Either way, super excited for this.
It may have more to do with they can’t test the flight characteristics to get the flight modeling correct with the tip tanks.
Gorgeous aircraft, this is a first day buy for me.
Can’t wait. Flysimware are serious about their addons.
Anyone hear of a possible release date? I had heard end of February a couple months ago.