Flysimware Learjet 35A Early Access RELEASED!

Happy Holidays all! Flysimware has now released the highly anticipated Learjet 35A as an early access!

I’ve been a part of the Beta team for the last few months now and the amount of work that went into this project is incredible! Hats off to the team!



I am trying to buy this one, but cant click “add to chart”. Anyone having similar problems?

Same here. No purchase joy.

Edit: All better now. Go buy it!

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Its been disabled while they work on the installer

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Well, isn’t this just a merry holiday happy release. :).

They had some issues with the installer according to their discord, it´s working now :slight_smile:

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Probably the only high fidelity Learjet we’ll ever see in the sim. Learjets are near and dear to me and I loved the P3D version of this plane. Hoping to get time to try it out today!

I believe former Milviz were developing a more modern version, LJ60 or something, when MSFS came to be and they might still be on it. It would be a question for them to confirm or deny but I think I remember something like that. Anyway, FSW‘s LJ35 in P3D was outstanding and there won‘t be many at that level of detail and certainly not with a clock store, I agree.

I really liked the work they put into the 414 which i got on early release so you can easily trust the team to continue to work on this. Birthday present from me to me!!


I was able to get it loaded up, assign some controls and run the engines but that’s all the time I have for now. Definitely some early access bugs. Most notably, all of the compass cards only turn in 5° increments. I can’t imagine that’s a user error causing that but I’d be happy to stand corrected on that. Looks promising though.

A couple of quick notes if anyone is planning on trying it out:
Quick start up guide:
Ensure the throttles are in CUTOFF (click the bases, ensure they are aft)
Batteries ON
Engine Computers ON (I don’t think we ever turn these off in the 40 series)
Jet Pumps ON
Starter/Gen START (down position)
Note N2 speed - (N2 is actually the top engine gauge in the LJ35)
Throttle IDLE when N2 is at max motoring (I can’t remember the minimum N2 for start, I think it’s like 18% but don’t quote me)
Once stabilized…
Starter/Gen GEN ON (full up position)
Repeat for the other engine
-after both engine start-
Inverters ON
Avionics ON

That will get you started and going but I’m sure isn’t the correct procedure.

A couple of other quirks of this aircraft:
You won’t have nosewheel steering until you push the steering lock button on the center pedestal (little white button). You will have a green nose wheel steering annunciation when it’s on.
You also won’t have reversers unless they are armed using the switches on top of the glare shield.
Last, I didn’t try it out due to time, but the P3D version accurately modeled the door operation which is a little strange. The Learjet 35 door has an inflated seal run by a small pump. You need to first deflate the seal using the small switch before you can open it. Conversely, after closing the door you will need to inflate the seal using the same switch. The sound is (or at least was in P3D) dead on accurate!


This looks awesome besides the HJet and working title improvements to the default citations, there aren’t many high fidelity biz jetz. I love the Lears, bring back memories from early versions of flight sim.

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Nice thanks. I found a real flight manual on Avsim, not sure if I can link other websites like Avsim on this forum?

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There are Checklists on the Tablet (Clickspot on the left Window Hold) if some one has missed it. There are actually a lot of option. One of the better Tablets sofar.


I couldn’t find a tablet, thanks for the heads up! I’ll check that out next time.

No time to make it move yet, but as nobody’s posted a cockpit shot here’s one -

Given the 414 is in my list of aircraft I’d absolutely recommend, I have high hopes.


First Impression - very good Addon already - High Quality what I can see sofar.


It is under the pilots seat. But on the left Window on the Black Tablet Holder is also a clickspot.


Info: You can find a Manual for an older Learjet 35A addon on flysimwares product pages.


Anyone else getting the issue with the compass cards only moving in 5° increments? I only taxiied around a minute after start up but all of the compass cards (HSI,RMI,etc) were all ‘snapping’ to the nearest 5th degree so their movement was jumpy, not linear.

Found time for a takeoff & climb, ground handling is nice, rotation felt nice & smooth, quite abrupt starting/stoppnig roll even with the tip tanks full. Climbs like a rocket as you’d expect. Not sure if you can adjust the speed set? I guess that’s also using the sync button, or do what I usually do in the 146 & level off for a bit. VOR nav seems as simple as you’d expect it to be. Haven’t tried an ILS approach to see if the RMI points at an ILS ( a recent bugbear of mine for some reason, it shouldn’t! the JF 146 has it right ).

Some odd background clicking & banging noises I’m not sure should be there, seem to be in mono so I can’t pinpoint anything. Think this should be quite good eventually!

Edit: not bad at holding ILS, wandered a bit laterally. Pitch & roll a bit nervous/overpowered feeling at slow speed, that’s the sort of thing that can get sorted with time.