FlyTampa Copenhagen Airport (EKCH)

Just noticed the entry at the FlyTampa Forums on Copenhagen for MSFS!

So much looking forward to this, since the airport is generated, and the town is with photogrammetry, so it would add tremendously to my flying experience in my beloved hometown.

Christian ‘Bargib’ Koerner


It looks really good. It looks real and now imagine with ground crew and IRL traffic!

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Released! Looks really good. Have found some small issues and reported it over FlyTampa’s forum. Feel free to chime in there if you experience issues:

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Just bought it and it looks fabulous…however very low fps 12-20 ish. However taxieng in the Airbus it is actually not that noticeable, but a GA airplane no way
Well this is not an GA airport and etc 3070 is in the horizon.
i7 10700, 32 2070 and everything at ultra, renderscale 100.

Have purchased FlyTampa EKCH via MSFS Marketplace. Payment OH, anf when I try ‘Buy and download’ it tells me, that I allrady own this airport. BUT it is not there - obviously not downloaded. Why - I cant find any place to manually activate download.

You might need to find it in the content manager within MSFS.

Profile → Content Manager → search for EKCH → Download.

Hope it helps.

Unfortunately it did not - I allready have searched the content manager, and I have done so again. It is not there,

After one hour. Speed 100Mb and progress 10%. Why?

Problem solved - dont really know how. But this Installation removed the ILS from EKCH. Strange things happens.

Why am I not able to update FlyTampa EKCH which I bought on the market place? Latest version is 1.1. but I have 1.0 and are not able to see any update!

With the new world update I decided to treat myself extra with a new airport (discount alert).
This time I chose Copenhagen from Flytampa.
Looks stunning and iam very happy with it.
Just a small bug to report so far. Their airport came with a Oresund bridge. As expected it interferes with the Oresund bridge that just had been added in the worldupdate.
Not that iam flying under the (2) bridge(s) every time with my a320, but ofcourse my OCD radar gives a small disturbance in the force here.

This is something FlyTampa needs to solve with an update, there is a thread on their forums with some suggestions for work-arounds:

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Since update nordic and upgrade “premium” “Premium deluxe” My buy “Copenhagen airport” has been destroyed partly. The bridge connecting sweden/Denmark was accurate, beautyful has now turned into a flat wooden ■■■■-bridge. Anyone with an idea if it will be fixted???

The developer that created the scenery you bought needs to release an update. You should contact them directly.

The bridge in question is actually an MSFS Nordic world update landmark.

FlyTampa Kastrup Copenhagen airport does have handcrafted surrounding scenery including that bridge but it was updated very quickly after the Nordic update - and before they updated it you basically had 2 bridges superimposed upon one another.

This description doesn’t sound like double bridges.

:slightly_smiling_face:THX. But Would have been nice with info from developer instead.


Could anyone who own the FlyTampa Copenhagen airport for MSFS do me a favor and load theirs to see if the airport is full of trees? After the WU6 i found that trees are all over the place here where they should not be. So clearly an exclusion zone issue, just trying to figure out if it is just me or anyone else have the same issue.


There are some more Airports with Trees and Bushes where there shouldn’t be. EDDG is also one of them. Do a report to Zendesk.

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Not Zendesk - the FT dev’s will need to address this.


Hi there,
Any topic about third-party issues should go into Third Party Addon Discussion.
I don’t have this airport so I can’t comment specifically, but I would suggest trying the following:

  • Turning on Bing data
  • Clearing rolling cache

If those don’t work, I would suggest visiting FlyTampa’s forums:

If it turns out to be an MSFS issue, it is something that the third party needs to work on with the developers.