Does anyone know what on earth can cause this?
It happens almost all the time with the basic planes only (doesn’t happen when flying FBW or CRJ).
Started about 2-3 months ago.
After entering all the sids and stars, when viewing the complete flight plan in the MFS, it doesn’t show the altitude of any point, not even the altitude needed for the glide slope. I always end up searching for the needed airport chart to check my final altitude.
The Navlog button should show your vertical profile. This has always been the case. Point by point information using Navaids or VORs has always been bereft.
The stock flight planner doesn’t show a lot of integrated detail, hence many use an external EFB like Simbrief or Little Nav Map, understanding that the plan, once loaded into the sim FP, doesn’t show all the AIRAC legs that the EFB does. This includes any vertical profile information.
Navlog shows nothing. I always prepare flight plans in simbrief and just enter all the points into the FMS.
It was always showing the altitude of every point in the flight plan, including the most important - the last points and the GS altitude.
One day it just stopped, I dont see any altitude next to any point in legs screen in the FMS.
If you file a simple GPS point to point directly inside the sim flight planner and not Simbrief, does Navlog profile appear? And are you using Default NavData or Navigraph?
I have a feeling we’re talking about 2 different things.
I don’t use the sim flight planner (If by this you mean the flight planer in the world screen), I always start “cold” at the airport and just file the route in the FMS of the plane itself. For a few months already, it doesn’t show me the altitude of the nav points at all.
Ok, then I’m not sure what you’re seeing. If it’s stock aircraft like the C172 or the Longitude or TBM, no vertical guidance, including the altitude fixes enroute are displayed or could be input. As far as I know, only altitude fixes for the approach would be displayed, but only if you loaded and activated them at the ramp, otherwise most folks would wait until ATC assigned the approach.
The only two FMS that would show vertical guidance (and even then, not enroute, only IAP) is the Working Title CJ4 Rockwell ProLine 21 and the G1000 NXi. You’d need to deliberately install those (Community Mod and Marketplace (free) ) mods respectively.
The reason vertical profile is present on third party like the FBW A32x and the CRJ is because they implemented their own flight plan logic engine (reputedly based on open source Working Title that powers their CJ4 and NXi implementations).
Stock G1000/G3000/G3X and 430/530 never had vertical profile information ever, even if loading plans by hand at the ramp. Can’t speak to the stock 7xx as I don’t fly commercial liners, but can definitely speak to the GA birds.
This is what I’m talking about. No altitude shown next to the legs, not even of the approach stage legs after loading the wanted approach and runway.
As I said, I can’t speak to the jetliners. If that’s a 7xx liner, it likely works with the Dreamliner or Salty Mods for example.
I’ve got the same problem in almost all of my planes. Some planes (747) i get altitudes for certain points, but it shows nothing for the approach sequence. I fly with a buddy and his shows on his screen, but mine doesn’t. I’ve tried clearing my community folder, tried deleting the rolling cache, tried matching every single setting in all options menus to match my buddy’s…still nothing. I really wish I know what was different here. Really don’t want to spend the days uninstalling and reinstalling the game, so i just sort of put up with it, and check skyvector for my approach altitudes…but it is still kind of annoying.